I have completed 3 weeks of bandaging and have been measured for my new leg garments! I am extremely happy with the results- 938 mls of volume, a 10 % reduction . I have also been on a weight reduction program at the same time so I’m sure that has also contributed to my good results. I am supposed to stay bandaged until my new garments arrive, but I have gone on a few bike rides wearing my old compression garments, the beautiful weather makes it to hard to resist! Bandaging has not been easy,but so worth it for me.
Bandaging results: I have completed 3 weeks of bandaging... - LSN
Bandaging results

Congrats on completing the three weeks! Leg looking good!
How do they measure the volume lost? I think 938 mls is almost two pints?
That must feel so much better,so pleased for you,thks for photo! x
Thanks Stella, I am so impatient for my garments to come in! The therapist takes circumference measurments at 20 points from toe to groin and a computer program calculates the volume of the leg. I had severe sticker shock when they gave me the cost estimate for my garments - $2253.00. The solaris tribute night garment is $1550.00 ! I'm not buying it this year - I have a jobst relax that's made to my old measurements, I think I'll just wrap bandages over it and use that for now.
Oh my god, that's horrendous. Do you have any sources of support to get help with funding the cost?
I work for a hospital in Connecticut and my insurance has a $5000. deductible.The healthcare system in the U.S. is broken (:
I do have insurance through my employer, and I pay a decent amount in premiums every month. Unfortunately, my hospital has chosen a cheap plan. I wouldn’t complain if I didn’t have insurance ,but I do and I still have to bear such a high cost. I feel that the healthcare in the United States is so unfair- the same drug or service can cost 2 different patients 2 very different amounts. I am purchasing two sets of garments, but am not buying the night garment right now