Hi I am Elaine I have primary lymphedema since I was 6 now 47, I am finding it more difficult to find shoes, pants (I blame skinny jeans) 😊. I am here to find new information on treatments, places I can find shoes for the winter and read the stories of other people with the same condition.
New : Hi I am Elaine I have primary lymphedema since I... - LSN
Hi Elaine. I have primary Lymphodeama and am a Exxx width fitting. I used to get my shoes on line from shoe tailor but the recently were bought out by JDWilliams. My heart sank as I was worried they would phase out their wide fitting shoes but far from it. They have introduced many new shoes and boots. Some really fashionable ones. All at a very reasonable price. The only problem is I have got over excited and bought far too many pairs damaging my bank balance!!!
Oh. JD Williams is a uk online site.
Since you are on the other side of the Pond, try the US based patient support group - lymphedemapeople.com - many thousands of people, and a whole lot of advice and guidance available for your part of the world.
Thank you for the information.
I know exactly what you mean. Wide leg styles do not seem to be as wide as before! I also have primary, from the age of 15, I am now 44. It’s a real struggle and quite demoralising too. That said, Evans and SimplyBe do a range of wide and very wide calf boots, Next and M&S also do some good wide leg trousers as well.
If I find something I tend to buy a couple in case they sell out or end the range/style.
Good luck 😊👍 just realised that you are not in the UK. I think my post may be UK only stores - sorry 😖
I get shoes from Cosy Toes order online or send for catalog or visit them in Somerset UK when I can get them on my feet otherwise I can only wear slippers as wearing shoes is too painful and they cut into my skin
For trousers you need stretch material visit Lisa Rileys collection on idealworld.tv website select fashion then select Brand Name also try Nicole and Styled By collection for trousers very stretchy material and lightweight
I have Lisa Riley Ponte trousers they are brilliant