After so many years of searching for an answer I was told I have 2nd level lymphedema. I went through the lymph therapy and had several layers of bandages and foam. It did reduce my swelling and although I wear stockings my foot is still quite swollen again. Also I have problem with numb toes
Feeling down: After so many years of searching for an... - LSN
Feeling down

I understand how you feel. I was diagnosed with lymphedema approx 7 years ago. I went through some bandaging and MLD but was still in disbelief because it was mild. For years afterwards I went to several vascular doctors getting different opinions while my leg increased in size. After ruling out May-Thurner Syndrome, I have come to accept what I have had all along is indeed lymphedema (primary). Unfortunately I am somewhere between stage 2 and 3. I bandage 90% of the time, and when I'm not bandaged I wear compression garments. I try not to think about it for too long, because aside from that, my life has been good. Although my right leg is sometimes a third larger than my left, I walk and exercise to keep my flexibility. None of us are happy about what we have, but we cannot let it define who we are. I have bad nights, but I try my best to snap out of it and keep my head up!
I have same problem with my right foot even though I always wear compression socks during the day. Many years ago I dropped something heavy on the toe-nail of that foot, the nail went black and came off. It eventually grew again but splits into two. I wondered if that had something to do with it, perhaps infection in the nail bed.
My feet and toes are ALWAYS swollen. I was advised to wrap my feet. Here is a link to a great video on wrapping your toes:
do not wrap tightly. i can tell you from my own experience, that wrapping has helped keep my skin from getting fibrosis.
Are you wearing open toe or closed toe garments? There is a toe cap and my therapist said that many people have success with ot. I started swelling in my ankle in 2004. It increased up my leg. Took about 1e years to get a real diagnosis. By then I was stage 3 and the fluid had progressed to solid protein. I had the SAPL surgery about 1w weeks ago. Am 20 pounds lighter. My energy has increased. I wear my garment 23. 5 hours a day bit my foot and ankle are still swollen a bit. It will take months for those to decrease since they are at bottom. My therapist recommend I wear a toe cap. I also use foam inside my garment in those areas to help break up in scar tissue or protein. Hopefully find a solution. Best of luck to you.
What is this foam you talk about? How is it put under garment? I wonder if I could find it useful because my leg size changes and sometimes my garment feels too big in some parts.
Hi snaomi hun I'm glad your recovery is going well 20lbs lighter holy shit hun that's a lot nearly a stone & a half right? Ru feeling skinny mini? 😀 xxx
Hi dnj1234 - I understand your frustration with not being able to keep the swelling down. Make sure you use your therapist and problem-solve along the way. I'm a therapist. I've seen a lady who has had great results with her night garment (she's using Jovi - there's also Tribute). She reduces quite a bit overnight - her garment does not hold the swelling by the end of the day. Throughout the day, try to elevate your feet as much as possible. With the numb toes - the level of compression needs to be balanced with your level of circulation - if your garment is stopping blood flow to your foot, the compression may be too high. Numb toes can also be caused by nerve damage (in foot, leg or spine).
Thank you ever so much Chocolate-e-clare I like the advice you have given. Could you elaborate more on Jovi and tribute please
Thank you chocolate-e-clare. Not been on here for awhile. I think you are right about the circulation. I also was wondering about a problem I have noticed. When I am in the UK my swelling reduced but when I am in Iran it gets really bad. Can it be climate or difference in water?!!!
Climate can have a big effect on lymphedema. Hot and humid weather can make people swell more (along with making it harder to wear garments). Plus, long haul air travel can increase swelling - many people wrap or wear extra compression when flying. Check in with your doctor if you swell more for no apparent reason.
Hi dnj1234 I'm glad you've had some success & hope things continue in the right direction. I'm sorry but unfortunately I am not in a position to offer any advice as I'm still waiting on appointment for scan & to get measured for compressions. I have to say that you'll find lots of people here that relate to you, and offer exc advice, Lynne