Just wondered if anyone can guide me as to how long you were off work as i understand you can damage the lva treatment. Thankyou
LVA lymphovenous anastomosis recovery time. - LSN
LVA lymphovenous anastomosis recovery time.

There is a comment here about lva post op:
The patient appears to have had 1 month of complete rest post op.
It may depend on whether you have the LVA op on your lower or upper extremity. When I was assessed for the op (my legs) in Oxford, I was advised most patients find the recovery period 3-4 weeks. I know of someone who had the surgery on her arm and recovered in 3 weeks.
Sounds like you'll be undergoing LVA? Hope it all goes well and you have a good outcome! X
Great to hear the op went well. Seems that 4 weeks off work is best in light of work being 1.5 hours driving per day
I kept my leg elevated for 2 weeks but ok for around the house and careful climbing the stairs a step at a time to begin with. I was told to start wearing an old, less constricting stocking after the 2nd week but I found it too painful. On contacting Mr Ramsden for advice he told me to delay trying the stocking until the scar on my ankle was less painful. Once I got into the stocking a few days later I was able to increase activity and go on gentle dog walks etc - I returned to work (office based) 4 weeks post-op. My leg is definitely better than it was, although not dramatically so, 4 months post-op. I still have to wear a stocking and massage my leg to encourage the lymphatic flow through the vessels, and this creates a noticeable improvement in the shape of the leg. I hope this is helpful.
Also cuts on ankle joint and behind knee more painful.. so does act and my thigh throne although no cuts in thigh