Itchy: For the last 3 days the inside of my top left... - LSN


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For the last 3 days the inside of my top left thigh where my stockings stop has been mad itchy and irritating the life out of me, any suggestions anyone 😠

30 Replies
lizmurphy61 profile image

Do you not have cream to stop the itching xx

in reply to lizmurphy61

Yeh, once I take stockings of and put cream on after me shower it settles down after a bit then starts again when I put stockings on but it's only in one place x

Lynora profile image

Has the skin become red and raw in that area? If so, it may be a reaction to the silicone band. You could call your clinic to see if they would recommend an anti-chafing gel to use. Are the stockings slipping? Skin glue may help to keep them in place.

in reply to Lynora

Morning Lynora, no they aren't slipping and I have been wearing them since Aug with no probs

Lynora profile image
Lynora in reply to

Give your clinic a call and tell them - it may require some topical treatment.

Health1919 profile image

I have the same problem in the same spot. I now put a small piece of cotton material (a man's handkerchief) between the stocking and skin.

I was thinking about not wearing them for a couple of days but don't no if that would be ok

PenelopeW profile image
PenelopeW in reply to

Don't go without stockings whatever you do. I suggest a light piece of cotton between the stocking and the itchy or sore area. When you remove the stockings massage the area with the cream you were given or steroid cream the doctor may have given you (but steroid only for a short time). Essential you always wear stockings otherwise you will quickly go back to square 1.

ezee profile image

I had the same problem but my skin blistered. It was the continuous rubber that did it. Luckily I could get a dotty style grip top and now it's all fine

Did you get them from clinic?

DeadfootMo profile image

I'm living in dread of having a fitting for some toe-less compression socks, I'd rather have freezing feet then socks which may make my feet sore. Even more of a worry is the fact I had a fall last Monday and my ankle is still in agony with a possible tendon injury as well as the Lymphodemia to contend with.

in reply to DeadfootMo

I wear the open toe stockings as I don't like my full feet covered and I only wear flip flops all year round.

DeadfootMo profile image
DeadfootMo in reply to

My doctor some time ago told me that soft soled shoes of any sort were no use. However, other things he said I have ignored because I feel they were not relevant to my condition. Such as you need to hit the gym join an exercise class, walk at a pace to improve your metabolism for 20 minutes everyday come rain or come shine, Wear training shoes to support your feet and to lose weight follow Jamie Oliver's 15 minute mediteranean recipes and something else about a low GI diet. I mean he was on a roll. I have COPD, Asthma and seriously swollen feet and at the best of times I struggle to find shoes to fit. He fears that I could become a diabetic with diabetes type 2 as this is on the rise and costing the NHS a fortune. Unfortunately my financial position won't allow for the budgeting his suggestions would need and I also don't think I could stomach the diet of Aubergines, Asparagus, Peppers, Courgettes, Spinach, Chillis, Garlic and god knows what else.

in reply to DeadfootMo

I wear wat I'm comfi in and I have osteo/rheumatoid arthritis from head to toe now this bilateral full leg lymphoedema.

PenelopeW profile image
PenelopeW in reply to DeadfootMo

Sorry, DeadfootMo, but if you won't help yourself no-one else can. It is essential you lose weight. Eat LESS food but quality food and it shouldn't cost any more. If you need a snack then just a FEW nuts and dried fruit to take away the craving. Only you can do it !

DeadfootMo profile image
DeadfootMo in reply to PenelopeW

Sometimes, because of pain in my joints and acid reflux, I feel that I have lost the confidence to try and that I am looking for a miracle. I can't stomach 9 out of 10 vegetables, salads all come back on me and the only thing left that I can eat is fruit, carbohydrates, and proteins. Not nuts though as they are sulphur producing. I am also often awake all night because of some food that is coming back on me even from those I consider to be foods I can eat.

PenelopeW profile image
PenelopeW in reply to DeadfootMo

Deadfoot Mo. Have you asked your doctor about the acid reflux as to whether you can take anything for it that won't interfere with your medication? I would say stick to chicken, plain vegs, e.g. potatoes, carrots, parsnips and just a few peas with just a small amount of gravy and no white sauces. I like a small amount of pasta mixed with vegs as a quick and easy meal. Follow up with greek yoghurt with a small amount of fruit. I can't eat cabbage, kale, broccoli or new potatoes without getting severe stomach pains. Try grating a small amount of cheese over mashed or whole potatoes. The key to controlling weight is less food and more movement. Do a little more walking, stretching, etc. every day to get fitter.If you contact your local hospital they may be able to provide you with a diet sheet. The main thing is not to eat crisps, biscuits, cakes in between your meals. They are high in salt, sugar and fat and usually with so many additives. Just nibble a small amount of dried fruit (sultanas or raisins). I just have toast for breakfast, 2 boiled eggs or a spanish omlette for lunch and a small cooked meal about 4pm or a cheese and boiled egg salad. No food after that. Stick to Tea, Coffee and water with fresh lemon for drinks. I am sure your doctor will be very pleased if you make the effort. It is very hard to walk with lymphodemia. so rest 1 hour, walk and exercise 1 hour, rest 1 hour and so on until bedtime. I really wish you all the best and hope that you can persevere so that eventually you can control your illness, not it control you. Let me know how it goes. P.S. See how you get on with whole boiled beetroot. It is very good for you.

PenelopeW profile image
PenelopeW in reply to PenelopeW

Forgot to say - eat off a small dinner-plate. Raise yourself up in bed to try to stop the reflux and don't eat near bedtime. If really hungry just have a slice of toast.

Lynne-byn profile image
Lynne-byn in reply to PenelopeW

Ladies I have acid reflux doesn't matter how I sit, stand, walk if it flares up its pure agony. I know your being lovely to her but just wanted to say that. I mean she might be different from me, but it is extremely painful x

PenelopeW profile image
PenelopeW in reply to Lynne-byn

I know Lynne-byn. I get it too, especially if I try to eat fruit. We have to get to know what triggers problems in our bodies, if necessary keep a food diary, ask GP for help (and take their advice). Some surgeries/hospitals have a dietician who may be able to help. I have been very ill over the last 3/4 years with different illnesses and it is still ongoing, so I ask for advice and found the medical staff have been very helpful. The internet can be a wonderful tool and I also discuss problems with 'friends' on facebook who have faced similar. The main thing is to be a fighter and not give in to your illness. If you are under NHS try asking for a referral to a specialist if the GPs medication isn't working.

Best wishes.

Lynne-byn profile image
Lynne-byn in reply to PenelopeW

Thanks you too hun x

DeadfootMo profile image
DeadfootMo in reply to PenelopeW

You are very kind Penelope. Thank you. Since a fall on the first day of a new job I've not been my usual self. Also as a result of the antibiotics to prevent cellulitis they have upset my stomach throughout the entire course, so much so I had to stop my gastric tablets to allow the antibiotics to work in the first place. I have now finished the antibiotics and have re-started my reflux tablets so hopefully once they build back up in my body the reflux will ease off. Fingers crossed that will be soon.

I attended a clinic today, one of 5 sessions titled "Patient Education" with respect to the Lymphoedemia. It was very interesting and as it also included an exercise session I actually felt that I had far more movement than I had given myself credit for, so I feel in a better frame of mind to try the compression socks again and as the pain has eased off on the side of my accident, I am going to try them on both feet now.

The main worry I have now is full-time employment, if I get offered a job this week and there is a strong chance I will, as I have worked as a teacher with this training body before, I won't be able to take a further 5 clinic sessions on - one after the other in the next 5 weeks. So on my feedback form, I have suggested an evening session time-table. So you never know if funding permits this might happen.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the part-time job offer comes up instead that I have an interview for tomorrow.

PenelopeW profile image
PenelopeW in reply to DeadfootMo

I am so happy to hear you being more positive. As I say, if you are prepared to help yourself there are people who will help you through your medical problems. Over the last 3/4 years I have had a minor operation which led to a stroke and most of one kidney, breast cancer resulting in a mastectomy, followed by lymphodemia in both legs. Having another minor operation next week and have other problems which are being investigated at the moment so I know how you feel. I know that there are people far worse than me, completely house-bound, many with no family to visit them so I consider myself very lucky with a husband to drive me during periods when I am not able to drive (although he is not well himself) and family to call on in emergencies. I have found all medical staff to be very helpful (except for one oncologist when I refused chemo and he soon backed down when he saw how determined I was). Keep your chin up whatever happens and work at it. You will feel so much better.

DeadfootMo profile image
DeadfootMo in reply to PenelopeW

I wish you all the best for your forthcoming operation.

Lynne-byn profile image
Lynne-byn in reply to DeadfootMo

Goodluck with job interview

Lynne-byn profile image
Lynne-byn in reply to DeadfootMo

I'm the same with alot off foods having a flare up at minute , coffee cut back, fruit anything spicy /acidity. Hopefully can get it under control as gets to stage where can't even keep water down. I can empathise with you deadfootmo

DeadfootMo profile image
DeadfootMo in reply to Lynne-byn

I have my sins. Sweet things sweet things and sweet things. If only I could convince myself to have 1 sweet thing every now and then I would be a great deal healthier and I would lose weight. I like some vegetables carrots, cabbage , cauliflower, broccoli, garden peas, Turnip, I adore onions but they do not like me now at all. I do like some salad foods but they too have a habit of coming back on me so I rarely touch salad now. I do love italian pasta meals and some spicy things too but it is later on when they come back on me. If I have plain foods such as a bit of steamed fish and new potatoes I'm ok or roast chicken and veg, I'm still ok. But plain is plain and I would love to be able to eat lightly spiced or tasty food all the time.

My favourite soup is tomato but for gastric issues its the worst of the soups, you are better off with lentil or vegetable can't stand chicken or mushrooms in soups.

AT the first clinic I went to the emphasis seems to be on moderation and making small changes to your diet to improve things all round, ie lose weight and there should be a positive knock on effect in the other areas of medical problems. Seems reasonable so I will knock a few things off my shopping list in future. Sweet things, sweet things and sweet things.

PenelopeW profile image
PenelopeW in reply to DeadfootMo

DeadfootMo - I am the same, have to finish every meal with something sweet so when trying to lose weight I have either very few sultanas or a 2/3 squares of very dark chocolate (which I don't particularly like but it does take away the craving and is better for you). Moderation is the key, not dieting as such. As I said eat half the food you would normally eat, no crisps or such, eat a sweet snack as above, drink plenty of water and try to do a little more exercise or walking every day. It will all help with your legs and you will look good. Thanks for the good wishes for my minor operation.

PenelopeW profile image
PenelopeW in reply to DeadfootMo

I have toe-less compression hosiery as I can't stand my feet getting hot. Ordered through the Leg Unit. Because of allergies the stockings also contain a lot of cotton. They are SIGVARIS measured compression stockings.

Mistymay profile image

I have had the same problem, my chemist put me on to a powder called soov, it is for heat rashes, anyway seems to have done the trick. I just put it on where the rubber dots touch my leg.

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