ASTHMA: i AM NEW TO THIS SITE. I have... - Living with Asthma

Living with Asthma

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Cheri5 profile image
26 Replies

i AM NEW TO THIS SITE. I have asthma and allergies. For the past month I have been coughing and have had much mucas . I have been taking my regular medications and have added cough syrup and mucenix at the suggestion of my Dr. I still have the cough and mucus and was wondering what else I can do.

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Cheri5 profile image
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26 Replies
VincentW profile image

Hello Cheri5. You will want to ask your doctor for a referral to a pulmonary specialist as its obvious he hasn't a clue about how to treat your symptoms. The phlegm (mucous) is causing your coughs as its trying to come up from the breathing passages. Mucenix is OK to clear it up, but you need a steroid (Prednesone) to possibly attack the issue of the aggrevation. You may even have an infection of the bronchial tubes. I've had asthma all my life and the past 5 years has been MUCH better since I've been seeing a pulmonary doctor.

aschm32186 profile image
aschm32186 in reply to VincentW

Hello I got a cold that has been going around 3 weeks and a dose of prednisone and still coughing. It just has to run its course I guess as other ppl without asthma has the same symptoms

Cheri5 profile image
Cheri5 in reply to aschm32186

thanks, mine is getting better and i did not take the prednisone

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Cheri5

It's good that it's getting better. If it doesn't clear up fully do you think it's time for an antibiotic?

Cheri5 profile image
Cheri5 in reply to Mary-intussuception

If your mucus is brown or green you may have a bacterial infection. If it is clear, I would try inhaling steam or tea that is made for people with asthma

VincentW profile image
VincentW in reply to aschm32186

You may well have an infection! If your coughs produce phlegm and it has any type of color, infection has set in. Being of such a large statue myself, Biaxin was a savior for myself. Check with your doctor.

sherrig profile image
sherrig in reply to VincentW

Hadn't thought of that. I have an HMO but if they don't have the doctor you need they refer you. Thanks

Mahod profile image
MahodAsthma Captain

Hi Cheri5,

I can totally empathize with you. Aside from a good pulmonary doc.- definite need- lots of water, warm herbal teas with grated ginger root and honey all help. Good breathing exercises, especially deep, diaphragm breathing get the" gook" up. Flutter valve really helps me, especially when I have lots of congestion. Hope this helps.


Jackiecoop8 profile image
Jackiecoop8 in reply to Mahod

Hi Mary, what is a flutter valve?

Mahod profile image
MahodAsthma Captain in reply to Jackiecoop8

Hi again,

Just checked on line. Yes you can buy, but lowest price is around $32.00. Since it is a therapeutic device you can ask for a script and isurance will cover most or all.

Hope this helps


Mahod profile image
MahodAsthma Captain

Hi Jackiecoop8,

Flutter valve is hand held device that you blow into. It causes lungs to "flutter" and helps couug up gook. Nurse that gave it to me said it is sometimes called a "pickle." it's green and has bumps on it. I use it after nebulizer treatments, but also anyother time to help open and strengthen lungs. Really easy to use and it works!! I think you can buy on line. I'll check and let you know.


Suerkaplan profile image
Suerkaplan in reply to Mahod

I have been considering the Flutter. Found a good web site comparing devices.

Does anyone else have experience with these? Advice?

Mahod profile image
MahodAsthma Captain in reply to Suerkaplan

Hi Suerkaplan,

I was given a flutter from respiratory therapist while in hospital. I'm sure it was written as prescribed so insurance covered cost.

It truly helps loosen the phlegm to get more up and out. Used after nebulizer treatments. Therapist ( who had asthma and understood) said it should be used throughout day when dealing with pneumonias, bronchitis, or anything causing congestion.

It works!! So simple. Have you asked your pulmonary doc about it?

Take care 🙏


Suerkaplan profile image
Suerkaplan in reply to Mahod

I have not asked the Pulmonary doc about it because I found it on my own looking for breathing exercises. The Allergist, the Pul. Doc the Internist all say... Yes you are congested. You have asthma.

But the only suggestion I've gotten beyond meds is to breath steam so I did the research on my own.

The h flutter is definitely part of our next conversation. Tho I do not think it can harm me I may just get one and try it on my own. Loads of instructions, written and video, on the net.

Thanks. Sue

Mahod profile image
MahodAsthma Captain in reply to Suerkaplan

Ugh, don't you get frustrated when you ask for more ways to help yourself and you get meds and little else.

It was my 3rd hospitalization last year that made me begin to ask the respiratory therapists for more ideas. I have primary immune deficiency so infections often turn to pneumonia and hospital treatment.

Happy you found this tool. Site was really informative. My doc does not want me using devices to draw in air. He's really pleased with flutter valve results. I use the one that resembles a pickle and doesn't require gravitational position.

Suerkaplan profile image
Suerkaplan in reply to Mahod

Do you use the Acapella? Is there a reason to get the Acapella Choice to clean ti more easily? I am hoping I do not need an Rx as the cost of the device is equal to the cost of seeing the Doc. Sigh...

Mahod profile image
MahodAsthma Captain in reply to Suerkaplan

No need for more expensive model, per respiratory therapist. Green one not blue. Better prices on line.

I am on Medicare and won't cover, even with script. Not sure about other insurance plans.

You don't need a script to purchase, unless going through insurance.

Ordering one today. My lovely lab thought it was a chew toy!

Suerkaplan profile image
Suerkaplan in reply to Mahod

Thanks! I WILL order it today!

Mahod profile image
MahodAsthma Captain in reply to Suerkaplan

Let me know where you find best price. Also, the mouthpiece comes off to wash.

Suerkaplan profile image
Suerkaplan in reply to Mahod

compared the $30+ Acapella to the D R Burton vPEP at $20 on Ebay. Free shipping. Listed as an Acapella tho it is not.

They have 4 left to sell. I will buy one of those...

Mahod profile image
MahodAsthma Captain in reply to Suerkaplan

Wow, thanks!! Do you know how to use it?

Mahod profile image
MahodAsthma Captain in reply to Suerkaplan

I ordered it. Thanks again. This one is more like the more expensive Acapella model that comes apart to clean.

Nice video on how to use. I was instructed in hospital (pneumonia). Therapist recommended 10x after nebulizer treatments, if able. I use it in between neb treatments at home when I have an infection. It truly helps!!

Mahod profile image
MahodAsthma Captain in reply to Suerkaplan


Thank you for the link to great article too!!


Please keep me updated on your decision.

Suerkaplan profile image

Just did the exercises in this video and had a much more productive cough. Elsewhere I saw instructions to breath out through pursed lips as long as you can. At the end of those exhalations I feel the gurgling. DO NO COUGH until you've done several of these. Then when I do cough it is more productive as well. Why oh why do the docs not tell me this.? Sigh.

Mahod profile image
MahodAsthma Captain in reply to Suerkaplan

Isn't that amazing!! We need to become our own advocates! Why don't they send us for a round of evaluation and education by respiratory therapist??

krazy-girl profile image

Hi Cheri5, First welcome! You might be in a flare. Have you been checked out recently? Am in a severe flare due to a cold and bronchitis. Try sitting and standing more than lying down. Mucus seems to get worse the more you lay down. God bless,

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