Polls - Living with Asthma | HealthUnlocked

Living with Asthma

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Will you continue to use this form in 2023?

Have you been able to enjoy time with family and friends over the last 3 - 4 weeks?

Have you had a COVID -19 Booster Vaccine?

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Have you been involved in a focus group to share your insights about living with asthma?

During the COVID-19 pandemic has your asthma changed ?

Has COVID-19 affected your asthma?

Have you ever been prescribed a medication for your asthma by your doctor but your insurance company denied payment for the medication?

Will you be attending our "Ask My Anything" (AMA) with Dr. Margaret Adair on March 20, at 9 PM ET?

Does the weather affect your asthma?

How many times in the last 12 months has your doctor prescribed oral corticosteroids (OCS) such as prednisone to treat your asthma?

Which asthma symptoms have the biggest impact on your day to day life?

How satisfied are you with your current asthma medications?

Do you have an Asthma Action Plan?

What is your monthly out-of-pocket expense for asthma medication?

Does your asthma wake you up at night?

What Summer Asthma Trigger do you try to avoid most?

Do you take your asthma medications regularly as instructed every day?

Do you have an inhaler that uses Bluetooth technology to track your medication use?

Do you live with...

Do you refill your rescue inhaler more than 2 times a year?

How long has it been since you last had any symptoms of asthma?

How is your asthma severity classified?

What triggers your Asthma?

Do you use a Daily Asthma Diary to track your asthma symptoms?

Have you had any of these tests done for your asthma? ( Select all that apply)

Which Healthcare Professional do you see most often for your asthma?

How many Healthcare Providers did you see before being diagnosed with your asthma?

What do you most want to know about managing your asthma?

What asthma management "tools" do you use at home?

How often do you refer to your Asthma Action Plan?

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