Do you have an Asthma Action Plan? - Living with Asthma
Do you have an Asthma Action Plan?
I have asked several times and have gotten answers like “You know your asthma very well. You write it.” One problem is that most are based on your peak flow. But if you’re on a LABA, it artificiality props up your peak flow to the point that it’s no longer a good tool.
I'd never heard of an asthma action plan until recently. I'm still trying to sort out what one does, which of the many forms available online to use, and who writes it.
Great question FearNot 😊 After your asthma diagnosis, you and your doctor will draw up your personal plan of treatment, called an Asthma Action Plan.
Here is a link for more information:
My plan includes the peak flow readings but also how many times a day I need my rescue inhaler or nebulizer. I like it because it gives me the control to up some of my doses of meds without having to go into the doctor. Then if that doesn't work, I can call the Allergist and tell them what I've done and they will call something in for me (usually prednisone or an antibiotic).