I feel breathless , palpitations that won’t go away , left side pain (my chest shoulder neck and abdomen) , I just think of the worse everyday , thinking am gonna die , I have been to ER several times because of chest pain , my GP doesn’t know what’s wrong with me . Sent me to a physician who admitted me in a hospital for two days . He did ECGs and heart echo , says that I have an enlarged heart which might have been caused by my high blood pressure. He put me on Cardicor and amlodipine . I have been taking them for nearly two years now , I did go to a cardiologist in 2017 and he said that there was nothing wrong with my heart . Even though my physician mentioned I had an enlarged heart , cardiologists said I didn’t . Now I just have this chronic left side pain , it’s been going on for over 12 months . I really don’t know what to do , I am tired of going to gps , I’m even thinking of changing my GP . Please I need help
I’m so tired / spasm all over my body - Living with Anxiety
I’m so tired / spasm all over my body

I am so sorry you are going through so much and can imagine how this is effecting you especially regarding your anxiety
To think on a positive note what ever is happening two years is a long time and nothing bad has happened so that says that yes there could be a discrepancy to what is wrong but not life threatening
I would either ask for a second opinion which you are entitled to or if you feel you have no confidence in your Doctors then maybe change surgeries , if you go down the latter path then try and research the new surgery and get some input from others that may know it as the saying goes we don't want to jump out the frying pan into the fire ( think that is the right way round we say it )
I have lost confidence in my Doctors over health issues even though mine are different to yours and I am very close now into changing my surgery but making sure the best I can that I choose wisely
Let us know how you get on and I hope you find the strength to get the answers you need
Take Care x