Hi, im dealing with anxiety. I get my anxiety when i take my meds. Its the smallest things that trigger my anxiety. Does anyone have any advice?
Anxiety : Hi, im dealing with anxiety... - Living with Anxiety

Call your doctor's office and tell them that. They will probably prescribe something that is better suited for you. Don't stop meds without talking to doctors office.
Remember you are safe, you have us, your support network. Push through, take care of your tasks, errands and then you can relax and have your "me" time

Always helps me knowing that I'm not alone!
I agree, let your doc know right away. Is it taking your meds and not being sure they are right for you or taking meds in general that make you anxious? What are some of the other little things -- try to document them for yourself via a journal, on your phone, etc. so you can talk about them with your doctor/therapist too. Are you just taking meds for anxiety or do you see a therapist also??
Its going back on meds that gives me anxiety and be prescribed new meds. Im thinking something bad will happen. Im on zoloft for anxiety. I do see a therapist.
I can understand what you're saying but know that the meds can help you to take the edge off of your anxiety and while there may be some side effects at first, they will usually subside - and if they don't your doctor will most likely take you off that med and try something else. It's worth trying to find what will help you. One way to short cut that is to talk to your doctor about the GeneSight test -- that might also help you to not be as anxious about trying a new med because you would know that based on your DNA and metabolism it should work. Check out their website - I've seen the test help lots of people figure out meds.