Things will be coming together. I pray. I have to believe. High anxiety right now. My son’s asthma is very scary bad right now and we are without insurance suddenly. I will see that things are worked out to the best of my ability. Practicing trust. Practicing living in the present moment. Any tips or reminders when needing to stay positive and calm?? It’s hard to think of them as my mind feels scattered. 😢
Kiddo’s Asthma and High Anxiety - Living with Anxiety
Kiddo’s Asthma and High Anxiety

Staying calm is your most important thing right now, have you tried anything herbal, I am finding the cB oil good and feel lot calmer, definitively look at your mineral levels, vit b6, maybe, and b12, walking, journaling, nature, etc, all usual stuff, love you sister 💐
I’m on it sister!!! Thank you thank you!!! I needed some reminders from lovely you! ❤️
Good stuff, look at Bach flower remedies too, and homeopathy xxx
Have been trying homeopathy methods some work for me to some extent but where I am now I need more than that. I’m severely overwhelmed depressed stressed anxious thinking about suicide and although I won’t part of me is begging for it I’m in a mess. All of a sudden I’m in the very dark place where home is lost there is no peace something you need that’s beautiful becomes hidden no matter how hard you look and the light is not allowed anymore.
Hello Starrlight
Sorry to hear you are feeling like you are going into overdrive at the moment but you have been here before and remember things come good again and that is what you have to stay focused on no matter how you feel now it will come good
I imagine the worry when you don't have insurance , I am not sure exactly how it all works but please say if you really needed emergency care they have something in place so you can get it ?
My Son used to have really bad Asthma as well as one of my Daughters , good news is they both grew out of it but I remember when the weather used to change to Winter it always would trigger it of but as they got used to the change it would settle down again , hope your Son's settles down I am sure with the medication he has it will
Take Care x

Ok I think I can do this if I could just get some help some rest. I could get a crisis center care. But I won’t go there now...been there 4 times already and it just the thought of it makes it seem all the worse. My son is doing better now. So I can relax a bit and I was on the phone trying all I could to get insurance straight. So tired. I need rest. It’s hard to keep up. It means a lot to me that you are just around the corner my friend.
Take some deep breaths , I can feel your anxiety , you do need a rest I agree
You have done all you can making calls about the Insurance , there is a back up if you really need it to get some medical care and your Son is slowly improving , so when you break it down like that it does not seem as scary as when we just let it all do 100 miles an hour in our heads
As soon as you get a moment take an hour out , try and do some meditation , maybe some of your lovely art work , walk maybe and try and get your mind to slow down
I am sure everything is going to be ok , if you read back on your posts you have things happen and your anxiety goes through the roof but you always manage to sort things out and this will sort out to
Enjoy the rest of your evening it is after midnight here and make sure you get some rest x

❤️ 💕 💗 ❤️
So sorry you're in the "not having insurance" basket -- that makes life SO very hard but remember, if your son needs treatment GET IT and the bill can be dealt with later - many will write them off.
In the meantime...remember to BREATHE -- nice deep breaths that can help to center you. And look around you - really look around and see the positives that are there - from the little things like the sunlight shining through the clouds to the big things like your son's smile and delight in life!! Keep living in the moment and trusting.
Hey I hope your son is better? X

He is doing sooo much better thanks Hope!!! He’s been really brave throughout.
Im so glad xx I hope he completely recovers really soon x
My little guy is doing even better today. It makes me very grateful but sad as I think of all those who are not lucky enough to get the medicine they need.