Thanks for being there for me people. Here is a pic for you; hope you like!
My goat-dog: Thanks for being there for... - Living with Anxiety
My goat-dog

Hello Starrlight
Well I had to look twice to work it out and then it made me laugh
How is your dog ?
I know she is sensitive so I hope they are not feeling low because their Mummy has been
Hope that roof got done I forgot to ask
Lovely seeing your sense of humour appearing again
Take Care x

Ha glad you had to work it out-that means its interesting. And a laugh I’m so glad it made ya laugh 😆 I love her so; goatdog is her fun happy self thanks. Oh yes the roof is done. It’s sunny out today finally. My family is going to a skatepark raising charity $ which is so great but I dont really feel up to it. I kind of want to sit. Haha sitting, so much fun 😉
Sitting can be fun Starrlight if you ask my hubby he will tell you I am very good at it
That is good that they are doing it for charity but even better that you are taking time out and not forcing yourself to do anything you don't feel up to doing , good for you and that's how to do it x

Aww yeah thank you. I like that -“that’s how to do it.” Yay!
Ha yes sitting IS fun when in the sitting mood! 😃
I seem to be in the sitting mood often x

Lol me toooo!!! I went from being up racing and everywhere all the time to (now on med Paxil that lets me relax some) sitting is sooooo well EaSY. 😃
I think it is good that you can relax some as you say , we need to get that balance even though I think mine tips more to he sitting still end of the scale
It is a easy activity as well
You try and enjoy this time , it is good to practise relaxing x

Yes it is good to be balanced. It’s an art form this balance of doing and nondoing.
I cannot believe this- I just realized that the house is silent!!! I am the only one home; this is monumental I think screaming and no mooooooommmmms and no television...I looooove silence. This is it!
I know exactly how you feel when you realise all of a sudden every where is silent , feels strange at first but you can soon get use to it , enjoy while you can x

Wow amazing xxxx
Hi Lovely Florida
Oh gorgeous how are you xxxx
Oh I’m good right now, very good indeed 😃 how r u doing?
Good doing lots of work on myself xxx
What type of work? oooooooh I am curious!
Changing old belief patterns, clearing old s**t, hard but feeling better xxx need to combat my demons if I want to emigrate xxxx 💓⭐️💐🎈💕
Awwww Coco girl!!! She's such a love Starr!!! HUGS Coco💜🐾🐕
😅 Cute pup. My pup would not approve wearing a mask, he's a big chicken. I hope you are enjoying your Sunday. Hugs ❤
Awww, so cute !
I just laughed so hard. I needed that today! So cute! Thanks Star 😂
Love this ☺️🐶❣️
Hey Star! Loooooool your photo made me laugh so much!!! Bless sooo cute!
I’m am so so glad you’re in better spirits! Xx 😘

One second I’m laughing the next I’m so sad and then we’ll you get the idea I’m all over the place but better than doing just really bad. I am going to be practicing balance.
Yeah the rollercoaster of life huh? We’re all on it with you hun x
Hi, hope your doing well
You too Want2BHappy3!