Hiatus Hernia: I have just been told I... - Living with Anxiety

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Hiatus Hernia

6 Replies

I have just been told I have a hiatus hernia and I know I shouldn't but have googled about it and now my anxiety levels have gone sky high because everything I have read about a hiatus hernia. They all say they either feel sick or are sick every day, is this always the case, would like to hear from others with this condition.

Thank you


6 Replies

Hello Liz :-)

O dear you should have come here first and let us try and talk you out of asking Dr Google who has not got your medical records so will spit out the worse scenarios ever making your anxiety worse than what it is already feeling but never mind you are here now asking and please keep using these Communities and leave Dr Google where he belongs in the bin :-/

Personally I have not had one but know people that have they are quite common and can be easily put right all depending what your Consultant feels is the best way to treat you and they will and you will be just fine :-)

Make a list of all the questions you have in your head and make an appointment with your Doctor and let them answer them all hopefully this will give you peace of mind :-)

Like everything no two people react the same even though can have similar symptoms so where you have read some are in pain I know some hardly knew they had one because other than a little twinge that is all they felt so don't let your anxiety start making you believe things that have not and may never happen because it will as it will see a nice big opening now to get in , try and keep the door shut on it :-)

Have they said what they intend to do next now they have diagnosed you ?

I hope you will find someone on the Communities that has had this who maybe will reassure you even more but honestly I know it is unpleasant and I know it will worry you and play on your anxiety but tell yourself

OK this is what I have , it will get sorted and if I had to have something then this is a lot less worse than I could have got and easier to put right , that is how I have to think when things go wrong , sometimes you don't believe it but it is true :-)

Keep us updated how you get on and if you need to chat someone is about and will reply :-)

Take Care x

in reply to

I went to drs because I thought I had done something to my rib but he tapped my chest and said think it is a hiatus hernia try buscapan, didn't even tell me to go back or anything but I presume if my pains don't go I need to go back to drs.


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O right :-o

Well see it as a good sign that at this moment they feel nothing more needs doing but if you are still getting pain in a week or so then go back

I had been suffering with a pain in my side for 3 months , of course anxiety went sky high in the end they sent me for a scan and one of my kidneys were scared nothing else wrong yet the pain I was in I though it must be something really bad so sometimes things can work there way to ok again without any thing else needed to be done and they possibly feel this is the case with you , see how you go :-) x

PeekabooFace profile image

I had an endoscopy and they found a hiatus hernia. The doctor doesn’t seem too worried and I probably wouldn’t have known I had it if the camera hadn’t found it. I was severely anaemic so had to be investigated.

The only thing that’s happened since being told I have it is that I’m now on a tablet daily to reduce any stomach acid build up and to prevent damage to tissues surrounding the hiatus hernia. Also I’m just a bit more aware now of being too physical in the gym, and lifting things that are way too heavy. Sometimes I will get a little cramping under my chest but I take it easy and it goes away.

I don’t know what caused it and I don’t know how long it’s been there...could have been there quietly for a long time.

Did you get diagnosed with your hernia after an endoscopy or were you just told you had one? Thing is I’ve been told and have read that it’s hard to tell you have one at all unless a camera picks it up.

I would suggest too that you go to the doctors with questions at the ready, and stay away from google as much you can. Although I did the same thing because I wanted instant answers. It just made me worry more and no one needs that :)

If you haven’t already, I would ask the doctor to send you for an upper tract endoscopy, camera down the throat into the stomach, so they can see 100% what you have and what needs to be done.

Hope you get your answers :)

in reply to PeekabooFace

Great reply PeekabooFace :-) x

Squeakthecat profile image

Hi Lizzy, yes I have anxiety after carpel tunnel op,some 2 Years ago. I never realised it could cause anxiety or I would not have gone ahead with op. Now I'm looking for a cure for my anxiety,it is ruining my life.

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