Hi just wondering how everybody is doing with the anxiety issues and panic attacks. I have been fighting for the last 3 weeks and still going at it have to stay strong and would love to talk to people here who are going through the same thing.
Anxiety you are not a Monster!!!!!!!!!... - Living with Anxiety
Anxiety you are not a Monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been struggling pretty bad the last couple of months. I've had GAD since I was a little kid and every couple of months it gets really bad and this happens to be one of those months... just have to stay strong! It's nice to know that I'm not alone in my struggles
sorry for the late response, but yea you are not alone buddy, I've always felt alone myself practically all my life I suffered with panic anxiety and claustrophobia ever since this pass march is when I really started telling people because it got to a point where I couldn't take it no more this is when I found out I am not alone so I say to you never think you are. God Bless and hit me up when ever you feel like talking or have an issue I will be checking my messages more now.
Hi June1515, I suffer from GAD and panic attacks. It got so bad some time ago I couldn't even drive to the grocery store. I was so afraid of having an attack while running errands. I always felt like impending doom is right around the corner! I always ask myself, "What is wrong with me?" "Why cant I be normal and calm?" But, I have accepted that I and others like me with anxiety are "highly sensitive"people. And maybe we shouldn't see it as a curse or the glass half empty. One day at a time....May our Heavenly Father bless and keep you. Love and Peace
Never think panic is around yhe corner thats how it starts i know it hard but remember when u running errands just say this will pass its hard but we are all here for a reason god bless hun just talk to me when ever it happens
Hello to you,
can i just say to you dont give up i too went through hell i was so stressed i coiuld not sleep ,
I would cry at any thing had bad headaches felt very weak had to be helped out of the bath could not write properly or sing or even speak properly the only way i was able to recover was to focus on good things .get plenty of rest .dont dwell on negative things.talk to freinds and cry if you want to.
good luck you are not alone