I'm having problems with my anxiety, it's over taking my life! My relationship was perfect with my bf n now I'm so negative about everything. Who else gets this?
Fear n anxiety: I'm having problems with... - Living with Anxiety
Fear n anxiety

Hi these negative mindsets come and go...you gotta find out what works best for you!!😊these early mornings certainly dont help me x
I seem to feel really sick and horrible and negative when I wake up in he morning then my mindimproves by the night :/ not sure what to do?
I am also suffering from the same situation. This is terrible, I am also not able to come over it.
I am pleased you have posted & started to use this site , the more that post & activity can be seen on here the more others will start to see it & will come on & give replies & every reply can help someone
Anxiety makes you feel the way you describe & we always have or most seem to have one part of the day that feels more difficult than the rest for me I always say I am not a morning person either !
It is like Anxiety waits on the edge of your bed waiting for you to open your eyes to remind you it is still there & along with it reminding you how negative you should be thinking & feeling , this is quite common but if you can try & accept it then it takes some of that fear away which helps to create these negative thoughts
Have you spoken to your BF about how you are feeling , it can help & you could tell him how much you still love him & care , he may not understand but it can help to let them know how we are feeling & that way they know it is nothing they are doing wrong
Also I would go & have a chat with my doctor & let them know how this is affecting me it could be that some counselling would really help get to the bottom of how you are feeling as well as learning coping skills to deal with this & work through it which you will
Keep talking to others on the anxiety sites as everyone has or is feeling how you do now so knowing you are not alone really helps as well as sharing tips how each has dealt with this & worked through their anxiety is so useful
Take Care & keep talking it does get better

Thank you so much why why!! You are spot on!! This site has saved me! Xxx
Keep coming back & talking , it really can help
Try & accept how you feel I know it is not easy but again it does help to eliminate the fear which creates the anxiety , let it know you are in charge & not the other way round
Take Care
I go through phases with this. I met my bf 2 years ago and before I met him my anxiety was horrendous, I would get down in the dumps and didn't know what to do. Now I use him to boost my mood! If I feel down I think to myself you know what I'm not having this and I go and have a laugh with him whether its play fighting, cuddles or whatever.
You don't have to explain to him what's going on, just have fun! Instant mood booster!