Posts - Leukaemia Support | HealthUnlocked

Leukaemia Support

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2. AML posts

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AML 7 months post transplant chimerism

I am 7 months post transplant with no MRD and blood work normal. 97% donor cells...

Transplant at Birmingham

Hi has anybody else had transplant at Birmingham QE hospital? I have one schedul...

AML and Propranolol

As many may know I have AML..neutrophils and red cells fairly normal, except fo...
snoopy101 profile image
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Despite feeling lethargic and tired for over two years and going to the doctors ...
sportydad profile image

Dr Manos Nikolousis video series filmed at the American Society of Haematology 2018 - Progress and reasons to be optimistic for AML patients

In this next clip Dr Manos Nikolousis discusses treating AML patients in a more ...
HAIRBEAR_UK profile image

My experience of AML.

Hi I am new here. Last year my wife and I were on a family holiday in the UK -...
snoopy101 profile image

Getting there,!!

Almost 9 months since my stem cell transplant tho still breathless getting stron...
Topteam profile image

New booklet available: Relapse and AML

Hi all, Hope you're keeping well in this cold weather. Please keep yourselves an...

AML my mum and the future

Hi it's my first post about this subject so here goes. My mum was diagnosed with...
adelebw profile image

All things AML

A general discussion thread about Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

Jona AML

My son Jonathan 33 yrs old has AML. Is now relapsed after Stem Cell transplant a...
Strawson profile image

AML shock.

Hi my mum has just been diagnosed with acute myloid leukemia. This has been quit...
Mumsdaughter profile image

Pain relief

MY mum had aml and is suffering with painful hands and shoulders sm trying to fi...
Vivsmum profile image

Coping with being ill for the first time after treatment has finished when your in remission.

This may sound silly, but how do you switch off from that panic mode when your f...
Claire3489 profile image

Mom diagnosed with AML - leukaemia, problems with swelled feet and hands

Hello all.. My mom (55 years old) just got diagnosed with leukaemia on Monday an...
Tanja_M profile image

Acute myeloid leukaemia

Hi my name is Donna in December 2013 I went into hospital with what I thought th...
Donna3380 profile image
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