Posts - Leukaemia Support | HealthUnlocked

Leukaemia Support

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All posts for June 2018

Advocacy caseworker now available

Hi all, Good morning from a very sunny Worcester. A little update from Leukaem...

CLL: FLAIR Trial site list and update to design

In response to an email, I received the following reply from the organisers of F...
AdrianUK profile image


Hi my name is Heather and I have just joined the group I have cll was diagnosed...
Hevs333 profile image
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Breakthrough therapy saves Mike's life - reports of innovative precision medicines for cancers from ASCO in Daily Mail

One man to have already benefited from the advances in precision medicine is leu...
HAIRBEAR_UK profile image

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia – a wife’s perspective

For Carers Week, Lisa Goodall shares her experience of caring for her husband fo...
HAIRBEAR_UK profile image

NEWS - Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) recommend the use of midostaurin for adult acute leukaemia

Scotland receives a positive recommendation by the SMC for the use of FLT3-mutat...

NEWS - Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) recommended the use of inotuzumab ozogamicin

The Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) issues restricted recommendation for use...


Hi This I my first post. I was diagnosed with Myeloma in September 2008. Since...
Kleighton profile image

Cardiff Innovation and Impact Awards 2018, Cancer prognostic testing innovation is nominated as finalist, your vote counts.

The diagnostic telomere testing tool developed by Profs: Fegan, Baird and Pepper...

Our new Living well series

Hi all, This week we officially launched our latest booklet, Living well with A...

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