Posts - Leukaemia Support | HealthUnlocked

Leukaemia Support

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All posts for April 2019

Ideas for supporting dad in his last days

Hi, I wish this were a more positive first post and I hope everyone else reading...
Sebnose profile image

Granddaughter diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

My 4 year old granddaughter was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia abo...
Nanny1952 profile image

Hairy Cell Leukaemia

Hi. I was diagnosed with hairy cell leukaemia in may 2018. I was treated with cl...
Sajsingers profile image
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Seeking phycological support? How to access Leukaemia Care's Ann Ashley counselling fund

In todays difficult time there are ways to help cope with the additional psychol...

Latest podcast - Mythbusting!

As we all know, yesterday was April Fools Day so we decided to record a podcast ...

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