Posts - Leukaemia Support | HealthUnlocked

Leukaemia Support

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All posts for November 2021

Just diagnosed

42 year old speech therapist diagnosed with large granular lymphocytic leukemia ...

Webinar - 3.30pm 17th December - Making the best of your CLL medical appointments

This webinar will focus on how CLL patients can get the most out of their medica...

Webinar - 3.30pm 10th December - End of life care for leukaemia

Hi all this a delicate and very important topic. We all work together here with ...
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Webinar - 3.30pm 3rd December - Understanding advocacy and what advocates can do for leukaemia patients

Hi everyone, have you ever wondered what advocates at do and what advocates at L...
HAIRBEAR_UK profile image

Webinar 3.30pm 12th November - CAR-T therapy update

Today 3.30pm - free spaces available Want to learn more about the current UK sta...
HAIRBEAR_UK profile image

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