Posts - Leukaemia Support | HealthUnlocked

Leukaemia Support

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All posts for September 2017

New patient survey launched

Can you help to improve the future experience of leukaemia patients? >Share your...

Dog lovers unite to raise awareness of Leukaemia in Malvern and hills

More pooch pics from a great doggy day. Help us empower GPs to 'Spot Leukaemia'...

The dogs went spotty during Saturday's Spot Leukaemia walks and Show.

Hi Just a quick note to let you know that the spotty dog show, (a local idea fo...
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Cardiff Support Group Visit Research Labs.

Hi friends. It is with great personal pleasure to report on yesterdays visit to...

PRIZES & CATEGORIES, Saturday 16th Sept, 'SPOT LEUKAEMIA', FREE dog show, picnic and dog walk

Calling all animal lovers! Just come along and Join us if you can, have a little...

Watch our Blood Cancer Awareness Video here. Spot the early signs and symptoms, see your GP , get checked.Early diagnosis saves lives.

BLOOD CANCER AWARENESS MONTH.Know the early signs and symptoms .Fatigue,fever, night sweats,bone and joint pain,bruising or unusual bleeding

News Article on Blood Cancers .

A guest blog: From patient to full time advocate

A fantastic blog from Nick York -...

Spot Leukaemia campaign launches

Dear members, We're delighted to launch the #spotleukaemia campaign as part of b...

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