Posts - Leukaemia Support | HealthUnlocked

Leukaemia Support

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All posts for December 2020

Why are their promyelocytes showing up in my blood test?

Hi, I recently had a blood test where they found promyelocytes in my blood. The ...
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Updated shielding guidance for blood cancer patients

After a rollercoaster weekend of changes, we've updated our guidance for those l...

Enjoy our Live Well With CLL video

On this rainy winters day, I have just been watching this short film a few CLL f...
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Winter edition of 'Leukaemia Matters' our free news magazine is now available to download

Catch up on the latest news from Leukaemia care community here:...
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Common questions about the approved Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine answered for blood cancer patients

Now that the COVID-19 vaccination programme has begun here in the UK, you may ha...
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Webinar - 6pm Tuesday 15th December - "Accessing your GP"

Dear friends please join us for this free webinar Leukaemia Care and Lymphoma Ac...
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Updated shielding guidance for people with blood cancers – FAQs

There have been a number of changes to guidance around COVID-19 in recent days a...
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Light up a star via our Make it Shine campaign to help support our work.

2020 has been a difficult and strange year. This year we are hosting an onlin...
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