Useful basic visual guides comparing how blood glucose levels react to consumption of various common foods. Originally posted some time ago, but I think it might be helpful to be re-posted for any new members.
Sugar - Blood glucose: Useful basic... - Low-Carb High-Fat...
Sugar - Blood glucose
Oo Dr Unwin. The other thing to notice is the actual portion size.The dearly beloved to find that his 'portion' of breakfast stuff was about 4 times the amount it should have been.
I like this. It has different graphics when you open it that it did originally, much brighter and more attractive. Thanks
I remember seeing this some time ago when I first started LCHF but it's great to have a reminder. Very useful for new members starting out too.
Worth pointing out that NICE and PHE have now completely withdrawn their support for this infographic on the basis that it's "inaccurate". Which is sad, because Unwin never claimed that it was accurate - the intention was merely to give people a very rough guide to show how much sugar-equivalent they might be consuming.
We need to keep this stuff alive.
And it wasn't even inaccurate. The newspaper report that got it pulled actually was pretty good evidence the graphs were accurate.
Yeah, I remember that article. What irritates me is that the word "accurate" is completely meaningless here. Everyone has a different response to starch/glucose, depending on all sorts of things (including, of course, what else they're eating at the time). It is impossible to encapsulate that diversity of response in a simple infographic.
Unwin did a good job at conveying the nature of the problem.