For anyone interested, Public Health Collaboration is holding a virtual Low Carb/Keto Conference this weekend with lots of interesting speakers. All the lectures are posted on YouTube:
PGC Free Virtual Weekend Conference - Low-Carb High-Fat...
PGC Free Virtual Weekend Conference

Thank you. I'll definitely take a look x
Thank you for this. 😊
Thanks. I really enjoyed this last year, but hadn't realised it was on again. . Hope this one is at least 1/2 as good.
Thanks, I'll take a look.
Thanks. That's my week's YouTube surfing sorted. It's an impressive list of presenters and interesting topics.
Thanks JazzSinger - that's very useful 👍
I’ve just listened to the talk on ‘Why Your Doctor is Wrong About Statins & Fat’. Since my GP is pushing me towards them I shall cite the various evidence-based papers that Dr. Paul Mason outlined in his talk when I have my next blood test in June. I wonder what his response will be?
Am enjoying playing catch-up with this conference. Thank you, TheJazzSinger for your post. Eric Westman is a favourite of mine and it did me good to hear his lecture on Internet keto vs evidence based keto. Top banana!
I have now seen several of the presentations from the PHC UK 2021 VCon and thought I’d share a couple of the take-home messages and memorable statements that I heard too.
Firstly, Dr Trudy Deakin ‘Applying science to dispel key dietary myths’: Institute of Medicine 2005 - “The lower limit of dietary carbohydrate compatible with life apparently is zero, provided that adequate amounts of protein and fat are consumed”. Her final message was great too, Dr Robert Anthony - “Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will”.
Next, Dr David Unwin - renal function improves on a low carb diet for those with T2D (based on eGFR and creatinine). I.e. a high-protein diet does not damage kidneys. I’m not convinced that LCHF is naturally high protein but some people may adopt more of a carnivore diet and that may be higher in protein. Still, a good evidence base to refute the kidney-damage concerns that some have of the LCHF woe.
Does anyone else have any key phrases/learnings to share with us all?
Thanks Sheperdess. Great idea to share key learning points.
I haven't watched the first video you refer to, but I'm curious about the zero carbohydrate business .... in my mind this implies not eating any plant matter and I think this is not a good idea as it would cause micronutrient deficiencies. I will watch when I have time.....
I understand what you mean. I believe the point was simply that there is no actual dietary need for carbohydrates which means that we don’t specifically have to ensure we get a certain daily amount. As we know, veggies provide a lot more than carbs and their vitamin, mineral and fibre content are all important for our health ☺️