The recipes I’m looking at are asking you to use pork shoulder however I don’t like large pieces of meat like that - so can I use a pork steak 🥩 instead? Like a pork chop but no bone
Pork: The recipes I’m looking at are... - Low-Carb High-Fat...

That's what I used for my Pork Shoulder chops and cauliflower au gratin and it was delicious. I started LCHF diet on Sunday and have dropped 4 1/2 lbs already. Yippee
Hi newbegginings20 yes you can use any type of meat you like you should still get the same result hunni

Thank you so much Tessa75 appreciated x
No problem x
Yes of course. Use whatever you like. If you want chunks or meat, you could buy a pork fillet. To me these recipes are a starting point to give you a guide, but it's you that's eating it, so cook what you like
I don't think this is correct. Different cuts of meat have very different amounts of fat. Eg per 100g, pork fillet has 3g of fat, shoulder 19g and belly 53g. If you swap them willy nilly you will get dishes with very different macronutrient ratios, and possibly kick you out of ketosis or not get enough protein.
If you are following a meal plan, you will need to adjust other things in the dish to stick with the targets.
I think you're just getting bogged down unnecessarily, Newbeginnings20 and Subtle_badger .
The whole concept is easy - meat with skin and fat, fish, eggs, full fat dairy, above ground veg, nuts, seeds and that's it. You don't need fancy recipes, or if you use them, make them work for you. If you don't like something, don't use it, have something you do like. Eat enough fat to keep you satiated and you'll be just fine
I never counted a thing and lost over 7st, so I can attest to it's efficacy and simplicity.
Have a look at this
@Newbeginnings20 is following a diet plan. If she makes poor swaps, she will no longer be following that plan. Personally I think following a plan is hard work, and it's worth doing it right. If you make random substitutions, you lose the benefit of the expert that crafted to menu. And she is trying to get into ketosis, which requires more precision than just losing weight.
I'm winging it, and doing fine. Definitely not counting macros as I have not yet completely got over my fat phobia.
Edit: and the swap she wants to make is fine. I only thought to chime in when someone suggested an extremely low fat cut would be a suitable swap.
Ketosis is not about losing weight, it's about eating the right food and I managed to get there without any more precision than I outlined above.
She could always make up the loss of fat from that one cut by putting butter on her veg.
The beauty of LCHF is choice and palatability. It takes some people a while to get used to eating fatty cuts of meat, but if the journey getting there is too difficult, people give up before realising how liberating it is
I did suggest pork fillet as an alternative if chunks of meat were what was required, but I also said it was fine to use pork chops too. Obsessing over detail is what makes 'diets' hard to stick to. I never follow a recipe in any book slavishly. I use it as a starting point. If I don't have fennel seeds I may substitute caraway seeds. So bung a bit of cream in with pork fillet - yummmm
Hi Moreless
OMG! That's absolutely amazing 7st.! Would you mind if I asked how long did it take you? Can you stay on the LCHF diet for a long period of time.
It took me 15 months, but I've been eating the LCHF way for over 4 years and will eat this way for the rest of my life
It obviously suits you that's great.
I believe it could suit everyone if they give it a chance
It’s been a year now since I lost the bulk of my weight and people started to notice. I’ve lost count of the number of people who have asked me how I did it, and I’ve explained, offered to help them, emailed links to helpful websites etc. A year later most of those people have made no changes and asked me again as if we hadn’t had previous conversations, another has gone back to a slimming club and is struggling. The resistance/disbelief or just unwillingness to try and change makes me quite sad - it’s as if they’re convinced that the devil is fat and the earth is flat.
I know the feeling! People look at me as if I'm trying to poison them, when I suggest that they increase fat and reduce the carbs, even though they can see the results that I've had. They'll even congratulate me and say how well I look, but refuse steadfastly to follow the same course!
It makes me angry that the people that should be correctly informing the public are the very people that are killing them and their victims are willing accomplices!
Thanks everyone for all your replies and comments 😊