Giving up on keto, what am I doing wrong - Low-Carb High-Fat...

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Giving up on keto, what am I doing wrong

Peanut31 profile image
36 Replies


It's me again, 10 days ago I posted as I had gained the weight I had lost on Keto. It wasn't much, but, as I'm not overweight I was happy with my weight lost, around 5lbs.

I started this as I have high Cortisol levels and noticed my waist disappearing, so suspected insulin resistance as I have thyroid and Hashimoto's issues.

My skin is so much better for it and I did feel well.

Then one evening after being in a mood, and my run up to TOM, I decided to have some gluten free flap jacks and continued eating what ever I could find gluten free (I have an intolerance to gluten)

Back on track the next day, but, noticed my clothes were still tight a few days afterwards, so went on the scales to have put all the weight back on.

Replies were not to worry, water retention etc, and get back on track, and, perhaps weigh yourselves once a week at the same time. I had put the scales away as I was going by my clothes. To kick start it again, I stopped the cream I was having as a dessert and looked at what I was having more closely.

I haven't been eating breakfast for a while now, then decided on Friday's not to have lunch as not hungry, just evening meal when home (Friday's only me at work so no one questions why I haven't had food.)

At first I lost 1lb and thought I was getting back on track, only to find that I am back to the start weight before keto and put that 1lb back on.

My gym clothes are really tight and I spot other signs as well, bra strip tight, clothes tight.

I'm beginning to think my body doesn't like this, what I am doing wrong?.

When I started this I lost the weight over a few weeks and now it appears my body has different ideas.

My typical meals are:

Breakfast - Nothing (cup of tea with almond milk)

Lunch - Ham salad with cheese (homemade), or chicken salad.

Dinner - Bacon 4 slices, 2 eggs and some spinach, or mushrooms cooked in butter or coconut oil or olive oil.

Full fat mince beef with cauliflower rice and melted cheese on top

Beef burger (2) with salad and cheese in a keto bread roll (homemade) 2g carbs from diet doctor.

Cheese omelette with salad.

Sunday dinner Roast beef with veg - no more than 100g (this includes cabbage, cauliflower) OR roast pork.

If I go out I have the fattest steak with salad, water to drink, dessert a coffee with cream (not the squirty cream)

Dessert - not always, 3 strawberries (no more than 100g) cut in small pieces mixed with extra thick double cream or I whip the cream, or raspberries and cream.

I was making the keto chocolate and peanut bars 4g, but, not made those for ages

Snack if hungry - Pork scratchings

Drinks, tea, coffee, water - I am T total and I have no fizzy drinks.

As said I haven't had any cream at all for over a week, no strawberries as well, not had snacks and not had anything thing to eat on Fridays until the evening for dinner.

I am in Ketosis as it shows on the urine stick.

I have looked on Dr Berg and he suggests fasting and eating fatty foods like salmon and avoid chicken.

Should I be weighing salads?, as I weighed everything with Weight watchers years ago. When I first joined WW, I tried to lose weight and never did until the weight watcher lady said that you need to eat more to lose the weight ,and I did, lost 2 and 1/2 stone.

Do you think my body is not getting enough food and being stubborn, it appears the less I am eating and eradicating things the more weight goes on, by the tightness of my clothes and the scales.

I grasped weight watchers no problem. I feel really thick and stupid asking you all the time.

Best Wishes & thank you.


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Peanut31 profile image
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36 Replies
Cooper27 profile image

I've not really posted in this forum before, but I listened to this podcast the other day, and think it might be helpful for you:

It's an interview with a guy whose written a book on keto diets, and he says to get the full benefits of keto, it helps to go through a period of time restricted eating, which helps regulate insulin issues. It could be worth a listen.

Although they really target a 16:8 approach, I'm currently aiming for a 14:10 split, because that suits my supplement regimen best.

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply to Cooper27

Thank you, I’ll take a look at it.

Best wishes


Hi Peanut31,

I am sorry that things are not going as smoothly as you would like. I can't offer you advice, but I shall be very interested in your replies.

According to the NHS, I am not overweight either (5'4" 8 st 4 lbs), but I know that I carry extra inches around my middle and I really feel that it is time to lose them. You seem to be eating very little, so it must be very frustrating for you. My weight is going down very slowly and my waist has gone down a bit, but it almost feels like a plateau. I believe Dr Eric Westman, (one of the contributors on the Dietdoctor site) doesn't consider it a plateau until a few months have past. So I'll take his word for it and just say weight loss is very slow.

I have also heard about needing to eat more so our bodies don't go into starvation mode and try and hold on to every thing they can. My husband reckons that any weight I lose now, my body has had for nearly 50years, so it will not be keen to let it go. 😔

So I also feel that after the initial progress (7-ish lbs lost) I'm wondering what I could do differently.

I hope that you receive some helpful replies and find a way forward that suits you soon.

Rosiepug profile image
Rosiepug in reply to over61andstilltrying

Hi @over61andstilltrying , I hope you don’t mind me saying but at 5’4” I am not too displeased with my 10st7lb so I feel a little worried that maybe at 8st4lb and feeling you have extra inches you have other things going on that need addressing.

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltrying in reply to Rosiepug

Hi Rosiepug, I can see what you are saying and we do tend to all know our own bodies and can carry weight very differently. I don't mind you saying at all.

I see that you have been doing C25K, it is great isn't it for giving us a step by step guide to going from no running to 30 minutes? I started it last year and then moved on to 10k.

All the very best to you on both your running and weight loss journeys. 😊🏃🏻‍♀️

Rosiepug profile image
Rosiepug in reply to over61andstilltrying

Thank you. C25K has been a life changer. Love it. Good luck to you too x

PandQs profile image
PandQs in reply to Rosiepug

Hi Rosiepug, I’m 5ft 4 too :)) in previous decades I managed to get down to 9 and a half stone, more than once, but to be honest, it didn’t last long and Looking back at photos it didn’t do me any favours. Always zoomed back up to 13 and latest was 14.5 stone. Now over 60 and managed to get back again to 11 st 5lb. I’m wondering if this is more sustainable, a size 14, I like the way I look and that bit of extra padding sort of fluffs out the face and neck wrinkles :))

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply to over61andstilltrying

Thanks for replying, I was initial losing weight, then started putting it back on so cut down on the cream etc,

Now I’ve had no cream and it’s creeping back on 🙄.

Best wishes


Rosiepug profile image

Hi @Peanut31, sorry you are dissatisfied. I know they say don’t count calories but I have been trying Keto and find that I do have to keep a watchful eye on the calories to avoid gaining from the extra fat intake. X

I'm not sure of your timescales, but when I started keto it was some time before I lost weight. I was getting rid of water for months (3 months, not sure?), peeing sometimes 5 times in the night.

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply to


Thanks for your reply, I did initially lose the weight, now it’s all back on.

I’ve been doing it just under 3 months.

Best wishes


flo72003 profile image

Maybe cut on the cheese a bit. It has a lot of calories in small portions. I don't think you should cut your salads consumption - row leafy greens are good for you even on keto.

Stoozie profile image

I have to calorie count with LCHF too. I'm 9st 4 and pretty active, but my maintenance calories per day is 1900ish.

Diet doctor's 2 week plan is over 2000 calories daily not including drinks, so I would gain weight on it, albeit slowly.

Do you think your thyroid is underactive at the moment?

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply to Stoozie

Hi stoozie

Thanks for your reply.

I’ve been trying to work out what’s going on, it’s so annoying.

It’s either I’m not eating enough or I’m eating too many calories.

I self medicate on thyroid medication as Levothyroxine NHS route, doesn’t work for me.

I recently did a blood test, my T3 (controls weight, metabolism) is heading near the high figures in the range so I’m ok.

I have to be careful as if it goes over range I end up with bad anxiety , shakes, palpitations, but, my T4 is below range so I’ve added a bit more thyroid medication maybe this could be to blame?

I’ve decided today to try a day of fasting to see what happens, I don’t normally eat till lunch or sometimes not till dinner, but today I’ll fast.

Like I said, before I did weight watchers, (once when a teenager and one after I had my child) I tried myself to lose weight, but it never happened.

I always remember saying to the weight watchers lady that it wasn’t going to work, she said I wasn’t eating enough, she was right, I lost 2&1/2 stone.

Unfortunately, as I have thyroid issues and Hashimotos in the mix and I’m older (41) often what worked before doesn’t anymore plus I can’t tolerate gluten either.

I’ve been watching you tube videos on keto and was going to follow the 2 week plan on Diet doctor.

Can I ask if you use an app to count your calories?

I’m determined to solve it

Best wishes


Stoozie profile image
Stoozie in reply to Peanut31

I use myfitnesspal to track calories and macros. It takes a few seconds as all my favourite foods are saved now :)

Peanut31 profile image

Thanks so much for your reply, greatly appreciated.

Would you suggest that I eat more fish then, as in tuna salads and salmon with vegetables and maybe cut the bacon back.

What other things could I have as meals to cut down on protein.

Best wishes


Peanut31 profile image

Thank you.

Cooper27 profile image

I'm working with a nutritionist for thyroid issues, so I have supplements to take 30 mins after a meal but at least 2 hours before my next meal.

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply to Cooper27

Hi Cooper27,

If you have thyroid issues then you may find you have no choice but, to have to go on thyroid medication.

I speak from experience, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos (autoimmune disease) I was told that no thyroid medication would help, so I saw a nutritionist too.

They did help and I made changes to my eating and took vitamins.

To support the thyroid I took selenium, vitamin C, B12, cod liver oil, vitamin D, iron and folate & magnesium glycinate.

They also got me to take AFP Pertizyde, & Berberine select, G1 Micribo-X. - I don’t take those anymore as I have sorted my gut out.

Have you been tested for antibodies? If you do have Hashimotos it results in us not being able to absorb vitamins very well and can also result in a leaky gut.

I went gluten free and it immediately helped along with the above supplements.

Unfortunately, even though I made all these changes I ended up on thyroid medication as my TSH was sky high.

You can also do your own blood test via medichecks then you can always post the results on the thyroid forum via HealthUnlocked.

I did this as the nutritionist charges for blood tests were very expensive.

Also sometimes we are told that our thyroid is ok because it is in the lab ranges, this means absolutely nothing. The NHS procedure is not to step in with treatment for thyroid medication until your TSH reaches 10 or above, unless you have a very sympathetic GP.

Mine was 12.2 and I was like a walking zombie.

Good luck with your thyroid journey.

Best wishes


Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to Peanut31

My thyroid levels are good just now - TSH is .96 and T4 was in the upper 1/3, with T3 in the upper half (pretty much optimal), so I would have no benefits from taking medication. My only issue was over-range antibodies, which I'm trying to manage with diet/suppliments.

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply to Cooper27

Those thyroid ranges are good.

I got my raised antibodies down by going strictly gluten free, some say going dairy free helps as well.

I’ve been gluten free since September 2017 and will continue to for life.

Best wishes


Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to Peanut31

I was gluten free when I first had my antibodies tested (OH was diagnosed coeliac not long before), so I dunno how that's affected my antibodies. I don't get ill from eating gluten, so I'm torn whether to bring it back in or not.

judm profile image

I have been following a keto diet for 6 weeks now and use carb manager app to track everything I eat. I am 57 and 5ft 4. Currently 10st 11lbs and hoping to be 9st 7lbs. I have set my macros at 20g net carbs, 60g protein and 120g fat. I do find it hard to keep to my protein macros as you dont realise how easy it is to go over. I have noticed that tuna and salmon, whilst good for you are a lot higher in protein than fatty meats, so sometimes have to have a low protein meal that day.

Praveen55 profile image

Hi Peanut31

Could you please share your height, current weight, desired weight and age?

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply to Praveen55

5ft 5, weight 9 stone 3 lbs. 41 years old. Would like to lose 7lbs, so not massive amount.

I just feel so much better when lighter. I go to the gym as well, pump, step, yoga body attack. Although the instructors are off at the moment so classes cancelled this week.

As said I did lose around 5lbs at first on keto, I wonder if it’s because I immediately stopped my snacking, and stopped all the fruits I was eating in the day and evening (apples, pears) the hidden carbs I didn’t realise, so body in shock when I stopped.

Now like I’ve said I’ve cut my cream out with strawberries and not eating Fridays till dinner.

I’m back to my original weight now, it’s been suggested I’m eating too much protein and too big portion sizes. I listed my typical day.

I’m confused as should I stick to fish, salmon etc and your suppose to eat until full?

I’m going to have to look at counting the food I’m having, I do carbs but not protein and fats, some protein is classed as fat as well though so I thought I was following it ok.

I’m currently fasting today, and having water, coffee black.

Is there a formula to work out how much I need to consume?.

Thank you for all your help? It’s greatly appreciated.

Best wishes


Praveen55 profile image
Praveen55 in reply to Peanut31


I have been through this stage and therefore I do understand your condition. I lost my last 6 lbs in a peculiar circumstances. I was on holiday for two weeks to Malta. Hotel provided Buffet breakfast which included full English breakfast menu also. So I had full English breakfast as much as I could comfortably eat, needless to say I avoided bread/toast/baked beans, plus half a cup of plain yoghurt and coffee without sugar

( no juice). The whole day I was active moving around. still I did not feel hungry. I had some water and coffee during day time. Towards late in the evening , though I was not feeling hungry I wanted to eat something out of habit. I ate some nuts

( walnuts/peanut/Pecan/Almond and sometime a piece of cheese and coffee). During those 14 days I was basically having OMAD. Interestingly, the amount of breakfast that I ate was naturally reducing day by day though I was still on OMAD.

On my return from holiday I was 6 lbs lighter which I had been trying to lose for at least six months.

Anyway, I am not suggesting you go my way. Many people on this forum have reported success following the instructions given by Dr Berg in the video below which very much resonates with your condition. It may be worth watching and considering his technique:


Praveen55 profile image
Praveen55 in reply to Praveen55

Please remember, Dr Berg does not count carb in the salad or veg. When he says ZERO carb he means carb in addition to salad/vege.

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply to Praveen55

Thanks Praveen55.

I’ve just looked at the link, greatly appreciated.

Best wishes


Stoozie profile image

How many insulin 'hits' per day do you recommend?

Lytham profile image

Hi hun , I really do feel your pain, im still in the same boat as you and I put 2lb on last week!

Im at a total loss as well, hope youve managed to make some headway ! :-) x

TheAwfulToad profile image

I would still say there's nothing wrong here as such - you're eating healthy meals and you feel better. It might be worth losing the almond milk and replacing it with a dash of cream (or nothing at all) as StillConcerned suggested. Or just have a proper breakfast. I wouldn't skip it entirely unless you're really sure that you can.

Be honest with yourself: are you forcing yourself to eat less than you really want at each meal? If so, all that will happen is that you'll eat more at the next one, and you'll be less likely to get to that OMAD position that Praveen55 is suggesting. It will work, but you have to guide your body there; don't try to beat it into submission. You've only been doing this three months and it's unlikely that you're fully fat-adapted, especially given your other health conditions.

It's crucially important to realise that your body knows what it's doing, and it will do it regardless. You're just at a point where your body thinks you don't need to lose any more fat. The last few pounds is very slow to go. To put this in context, I think it took me nearly a year to go from 72kg to 69kg (ie.. 7lb loss) ... although I can't really remember, because by that point I simply wasn't stressing over it. I was confident it would go.

I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but considering your close-to-ideal BMI, your "missing waist" is likely to be influenced mainly by a lack of abdominal musculature (age conspires against us in this regard!). A serious workout plan would be in order. For what it's worth - re. your spinal issues - I had similar worries about 10 years ago. The doctors basically shrugged and said, yeah, not much we can do about it. I decided to just do lots of exercise focused on my spinal and abdominal muscles. I still get the occasional twinge, but I'm much, much better than I was. Get a physio to advise you, but in your position I'd give the opposite advice to the usual: it's going to be mostly about exercise, not diet.

Praveen55 profile image
Praveen55 in reply to TheAwfulToad

TheAwfulToad , Peanut31

There seems to be little miscommunication here!

1. I specifically mentioned to Peanut31 in my reply NOT TO FOLLOW WHAT I DID i.e. OMAD because I do understand it may not be suitable for all.

2. I suggested to consider the approach given by Dr Eric Berg in the video presentation that I linked. Few members on this forum in similar situations have reported success following Dr Berg's approach- one of them being NoMoreJunk . I can not recall others' names.

I do agree with you that last few pounds are very very slow to go particularly for someone who is already having an ideal BMI and wants to trim further. The response of body is to resist the change. Therefore, one has to either be patient or put an extra effort for weight loss. In addition, one needs to be very careful during the maintenance phase not to put the weight back.

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to Praveen55

Ah, I seem to remember Dr Berg's point in that video was to reduce your number of meals. I must have been thinking of something else!

In any case, I was agreeing with you that if it doesn't come naturally, then don't do it :)

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply to TheAwfulToad

Thanks for your reply.

I did a one day fast yesterday, felt like a Duracell bunny, loads of energy, but ready for breakfast this morning.

Interestingly I lost 2lbs, does that mean it’s water retention?.

I take magnesium, how can I avoid this, I don’t have loads of salt other than what’s already naturally added in the foods.

Best wishes


NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunk in reply to Praveen55

Sorry just seen I have been tagged in this. I did the keto on steriods and lost something like 4lbs and I was a healthy BMI, looking to lose the last few lbs that were being stubborn! I couldn't do it longer than a week, but I had 3 meals that I had calculated to fit with the ratios in his video and rotated them. Let us know how you get on if you decide to try it!

ChubbieChops profile image

I've recently joined this forum. Are you still active on it?

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