Weight-loss meal: I don't normally do... - Low-Carb High-Fat...

Low-Carb High-Fat (LCHF)

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Weight-loss meal

TheAwfulToad profile image
13 Replies

I don't normally do "look what I had for dinner!" posts, but I thought you guys might be interested in this. I've mentioned it before: 火鍋 or 涮涮鍋 , which is basically meat and veg cooked in a light soup, with a dipping sauce.

That's 260g of pork and beef plus (rough guess) 600g of mixed veg and tofu. About 1300kCal and 100g+ fat in the meat and dofu (yes, you eat most of the fat). Total calories is probably around 1800kCal. The drink is unsweetened tea.

This is my go-to post-workout meal. I'm in maintenance, but I ate basically the same thing when I was in induction (I was just a bit more careful to exclude carby things like dofu and pumpkin). My standard breakfast these days (I usually have two meals a day) is a sausage, two eggs, and some salad with a mayonnaise-based dressing and a latte - about 500kCal. I had a much bigger breakfast during induction.

I'm posting this because it's a visual illustration that weight loss is not about the calories. And it's definitely not about dietary fat. And it's really, really not about deprivation.

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13 Replies
chrisoula profile image

TheAwfulToad I think that if I eat all this fat i will gain lot of weight! IS IT WORK FOR YOU IN REAL?

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to chrisoula

I weigh 69kg. My bodyfat percentage is 14%. When I was eating "healthy" low-fat food, I weighted 86kg (at my worst) and looked awful.

It works. I've been eating this way for nearly 15 years.

I posted this photo because I wanted to illustrate that the standard advice ("eat less fat and eat healthy carbs") is a complete load of nonsense. It has no basis in either biochemistry or reality.

chrisoula profile image
chrisoula in reply to TheAwfulToad

I am 49 years in menopause and thyroid .I am in my third week of restart "diet" ,( I always make a carefully nutrition), and I have bad results even I try hard to keep a plan and keep in my calories range and 35% fat , 40% card and 25% protein.It isn't work. Im thinking to minimize carbs but I am not sure my body fat NOW is about 36% .

My range is 1550-2000 ( 73,8 KG AND 1.62CM HEIGHT)

First week I keep an average daily income about 1750 cal. small lose with 5 hours exercise

Second week I keep an average daily income about 1650 cal small lose with 3 hours exercise

Third week I keep an average daily income about 1550 cal small gain! with 4 hours exercise

Start weight (restart) -73,8 kgr

Last week's weight (or date of last weigh-in) - 73,2

Weight today - 73,4

Loss/Gain/STS - +0,2 kgr

Total loss - 0,4 kgr in 4 weeks after restart

I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! I always was thin and now I feel to heavy!I gain every year about 1 kgr the last 10 years and form this July +5kgr!

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to chrisoula

Well, you've just proved to yourself that the standard advice doesn't work. We've all been there!

It won't work any better next week or next year, so time to try something different, I reckon :)

There are very simple reasons why reducing your calories results in weight gain. It's counterintuitive, but the biochemistry is well-understood. Nutritionists don't care about this, and carry on handing out faulty advice.

You might like to start here:


I suggest trying to avoid telling yourself "this can't possibly work". Just give it a go, and see what happens.

chrisoula profile image
chrisoula in reply to TheAwfulToad

TheAwfulToad thank you and if I understood well the caliries don't need to be in some specific levels?

chrisoula profile image
chrisoula in reply to TheAwfulToad

TheAwfulToad have you site or other notes to recommencement me for beginning ? How much fat for my age - weight , how many carbs? etc

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to chrisoula

Correct: no need to manually manage your calories. The aim is to get your appetite working properly, so that it will just naturally demand the right amounts. High-carb diets fail partly because they subvert your appetite.

The link I gave you above will get you started on an 'induction' cycle, which kickstarts your body into fat-burning mode. This is the only part of your diet where you must exercise significant self-control (you have to stick with it for two weeks, no cheating!) but after that, it gets much easier. By the six-month mark you don't need to count anything at all because your body is correctly managing its food intake.

Briefly, induction involves eating about 1.5g-2.0g of fat for every kg of bodyweight, with carbs as low as you can go. Protein doesn't need to be measured.

Do read the instructions carefully though. LCHF Induction is one of those things where there's basically only one way to do it.

This may also be of interest:


If you prefer watching videos, someone else flagged up the series on YouTube by Becky Gillaspy. "Dr Berg" is also a favourite of mine. These two are very good at explaining things in a straightforward way.

chrisoula profile image
chrisoula in reply to TheAwfulToad

Thank you TheAwfulToad , I will immediate start reading ! It seems very close to dukan diet or not? Here we can eat all proteins (generally ) .Have a nice evening !

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to chrisoula

The Dukan diet is low-carb, low-fat, high-protein, and includes a lot of unnecessary rules. LCHF is low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein. I know I said "protein doesn't need to be measured", but that doesn't mean you should eat lots and lots of it. The point is that fat and protein tends to be paired together in natural foods, so eat whatever you need to get the fat, and ignore whatever protein is included. Hope that makes sense!

You can lose weight with high-protein diets, but most people find them unpleasant and hard to stick to because they make you feel bad. Human bodies are just not good at using protein for energy; that's not what protein is for.

LCHF is very flexible and there are actually several "famous" diets based upon it. Any diet that contains more fat than carbs is LCHF. After you've done the induction, you'll be able to adjust it to suit your tastes.

chrisoula profile image
chrisoula in reply to TheAwfulToad

thank you TheAwfulToad. My concern is also about cholesterol isn't dangerous too much fat? Also I'm use to eat lot of fruits and vegetables and lot of white meat and less red meat ,sausages & processed meats. I make real Mediterranean nutrition .I think it will be very difficult to live without fruits .I m now starting read sites and details and maybe I m wrong .

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadAmbassador in reply to chrisoula

The short answer is "no, it's not dangerous". The long answer is pretty complicated. You might want to have a look at David Diamond's videos on this subject on YouTube.

The definitive proof that cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease is as follows. Statins very reliably reduce LDL and total cholesterol. There are two other similar types of drug that do the same thing, by different mechanisms. None of them reduce your risk of dying, and they only reduce the risk of heart disease for certain people (men in their 40s who have had a heart attack), and even then only by a small amount. Clearly, then, cholesterol is not the problem. Diamond's videos explain this in more detail.

Aside from that, LCHF diets invariably make your cholesterol numbers better (for whatever that's worth). You don't need to take my word for this: there is a lot of research that you can look up. In particular, your HDL will rise and triglycerides will fall. Again, you don't need to take my word for it: give it a try for three months, then go to get your cholesterol tested.

There is a lot of deliberate misinformation about LCHF. The health authorities absolutely hate the fact that it works: people lose weight, they reduce their risk of diabetes, and they reduce their risk of heart disease. This contradicts everything the authorities say, and it embarrasses them. So they often describe it as "all steak and bacon and no fruits and vegetables". This is absolute rubbish. The standard LCHF diet is mostly vegetables. Fruit is perfectly OK (it's only disallowed for the first two weeks - "induction"). If you prefer chicken instead of red meat, that's fine too. Just make sure you eat the whole chicken, not just the lean bits! In fact if you remove the grains from Mediterranean and add a bit more fatty food (fish, cheese, meat), you've got LCHF. They're not remarkably different.

Oh, I really suggest you read up on the "red meat gives you cancer" scare. The whole thing is absolutely appalling. I'll post a video about it another time, but the research shows no such thing. Find the original research papers and read them. Red meat doesn't even correlate with cancer. Processed meats show a very, very small correlation, but there is no proven causative link. I really don't know why the authorities are lying about this, but they are lying. It really bothers me.

chrisoula profile image
chrisoula in reply to TheAwfulToad

TheAwfulToad thank you for your notes , there are very helpful .So after 2 tries of 4 weeks each one , (without any serious result), i decided to start LCHF diet.I read a lot but not sure jet about the right measurements etc .I found that for my weight ( 74kgr) and my height ( 162cm) i will need 88,8gr fat

44,4 gr protein and 20<50gr carbs.Is it right? It is very difficult to cout even i found some details in the Doctor D site. I think that it will be impossible to cut at all the fruits but other carbs like bread , flour , spaghetti etc it will be easy for me. At sure i will need help in menu for first weeks .Now I will try this totally different diet to see if my metabolism will rise up, please give me some advise or comments .My range is 1550-2000 cal.

For today plan:

B. full fat Greek yogurt some hazelnuts ( about 20 piec) and a mandarin

L baked cod with boiled cauliflower and lemon sauce

D tuna salad with mayonnaise

Samsung_5 profile image

Thank you so much.

I have been putting mine in my fitness fitness pal & calories high . It keeps saying in 5 weeks you will be? Exactly the same what i am now.

It's good to see what you have as similar to mine. Although i have my sugar free jelly & cream daily lol.

I've read some people loose slowly & your body adjusting after years yo yo dieting.

Thanks for sharing The Awful Toad

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