Hello, I’m 51, and whilst been in hospital following surgery for a hysterectomy, I had a CT scan which showed up something on my right kidney. I saw the Urologist a fortnight ago and it was decided that I have a nephrectomy in another fortnight time. This is quite a shock to me, as I had an ultrasound whilst deciding what to do prior to the hysterectomy, and the Sonographer told me that I had kidney stones. Plus I don’t really feel physically fit for another round of major surgery, it will only be eight weeks since the hysterectomy. Can anyone offer any advice on recovery?? Maybe diet tips too?? And did anyone change their diet after surgery?? Thanks in advance
New here: Hello, I’m 51, and whilst... - Kidney Cancer Sup...
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Flira first of all how large is your tumor? Where are you located? Are you in England, Canada or US or somewhere else? Depending on the size of the tumor you may not need to get your kidney removed. And as someone who was told I definitely had kidney cancer and then when all 5 tumors were removed it turned out I had benign tumors, how have they determined that this is definitely cancer? Have they done a biopsy? You definitely want to get a second opinion. That they thought you had stones and then it turned out to be a tumor makes it sound like it is smaller. If that is the case, then consider a partial nephrectomy not the complete removal of your kidney.
Thank you for your reply!!
I’m in UK. The Urologist has said it’s 6.3cm, intra renal RCC.
At the moment I’m just over five weeks from a hysterectomy, and whilst in hospital after having it done, I had a CT scan to determine why my says were low. This is where the kidney problem was picked up. Prior to my hysterectomy, whilst I was having an ultrasound to determine what was going on down there, the lady doing the ultrasound told me that I had kidney stones. And, no, I wasn’t offered a biopsy, just nephrectomy!! Thank you 😊 again for your reply!!
Flira have they talked about doing a partial nephrectomy at all? Wondering if you could get a second opinion? I know at Royal Free in London they specialize in kidney cancer and do a lot of more complicated surgeries. I know the process of getting a second opinion in England is different than here in the US but if there was any way to see if part of your kidney could be preserved.
Sorry to hear about your medical issues. I know when I had my nephrectomy, I was told to keep with a Kidney friendly diet, cut my meat consumption in half. I know that getting up and about after surgery will help you heal. It was not fun but it really does help. I walked around my neighboorhood. If you can excersize before the surgery, that will also aid in your recovery. Good luck with everything.
Hi Flira...I had a left nephrectomy done in 2010. It was done laproscopically and I was only in the hospital for a couple days. The pain was easily managed. My one kidney is doing well and my last GFR was 68. In terms of a diet I urge you to see a renal dietitian and just don't overdo on your protein. Best of luck to you!
Hi phxguy, thank you for your reply😊
I’m having mine done laparoscopic too. I’m not too worried about the pain, I’ve just had a hysterectomy, so it can’t be as bad as that!!😉
I shall be watching my alcohol and salt intake after the surgery, the only thing worrying me is that I already take a diuretic tablet, so I’m just concerned how my one remaining kidney is going to cope!! Anyway thanks 🙏 again 😁