looking for a miracle and came across VITAMIN C for I t p treatment ?? anyone know anything about this ?? also what is refractory I t p ?? sure hope they can get a cure for this nasty disease ….. spleen removal is an option if you get a INDIUM scan of the liver and spleen so if it shows the spleen is killing your platelets its logical to have it removed ?????????????? jimmy in florida u s a
vitamin c for I t p treatment ??? - ITP Support Assoc...
vitamin c for I t p treatment ???

In case it helps I want to share my story with you. I am sorry you are dealing with low platelets, it is a major drag. Wishing you good health.
My story: I got a bad infection (but I had no virus/parasite symptoms) and my body mistook my platelets for the infection it was trying to get rid of. It took 8 months to figure out the infection and cure me! My platelets were dangerously low at 1,000.
I am wondering how many people got ITP after a trip abroad to a third world country? Sadly, I got low platelet issues that they called ITP! I had bruises all over my body just 2 weeks after I came back from Costa Rica to USA in April 2017.
The western doctors said there was no correlation of the low platelets and my trip and to get used to having an autoimmune disease called idiopathic thrombocytopenia, forever. But I knew that I got the issue from something I caught on my trip.
So, I did not believe them. After being very sick for seven straight months, finally I was cured in just one month after I began the following relatively simple eastern approach treatments that the Western doctors don’t understand because they are not educated in eastern medicine.
September 2017 I went to two homeopathic type practitioners that cured me of platelet crashes by October 2017. I continued to go to one homeopathic for several months just to get my immune system rebalanced.
1. I got rid of parasites through a pill from Vitamin Cottage called Para Rid in conjunction with 3 Rife treatments. Rife treatments are ultrasonic waves used to destroy parasite cell membrane wall. (Similar to how an opera singer can break a glass with her voice) It is important to note they could find no parasites in my stool sample but I did it anyway because parasites are often present but undetected. (And my girlfriend made me go!)
2. I got rid of any lingering viruses, fungus and bacteria and rebalanced my immune system through eastern-based homeopathy treatment. The Avitar machine checked my organs using acupressure points on my hands and feet. Once it was determined what my body needed, the homeopathic selected homeopathic pills and elixirs that treated viruses, fungus, and bacteria and rebalanced my immune system that was attacking it. Additionally, I went gluten free.
After needing life saving IV I G and Dexamethasone bursts every 10 to 14 days for platelets as low as 1,000 from April 2017 until last October 2017, I am cured!
This Oct 2018 is my 1 year anniversary since my platelets have crashed and since I have needed IVIG! My platelets are now stable and within normal limits at 250,000. Hooray!
One final thought to share… I had gone to many immunologists begging them to find some infection that they could treat. I knew in my bones I had caught something from Costa Rica and that I did not have a lifetime of an autoimmune disease ahead of me. I just needed treatment for whatever I caught in Costa Rica One doctor agreed to give me three weeks of antibiotics last June 2017. While I was on the antibiotics my platelets were within normal limits! No cycles of crashes. As soon as I went off the antibiotics in July 2017 the platelets crashing down to 7000, 5000, and 1000 every 10 to 14 days began again. I begged the doctors for more antibiotics and they said no that it was irresponsible.
Again thankfully the eastern practioners gave me homeopathic medicine to treat the parasite infection and cure me!
Wishing you good health.
Please don't give up. Western doctors including Mayo Clinic found nothing!!! By the grace of G-d I was told to do the following by friends. I was desperate so I did...
It was Rife Therapy and homeopaty.
Rife therapy was ultrasonic waves that killed the virus/bacteria or parasite by breaking the membrane walls. Then she told me to take ParaRid a parasite killing medicine. I know it swounds crazy but it worked.
Then the homeopathic Avitar Machine approach regulagted the immune system back to health.
One month after I did these two things I was never on another IVIG platelet protection infusion. (This was after needing it every two weeks for 7 months)
I did ride horses in Costa Rica- maybe I caught parasites from them? It is a mystery but thankfully my nightmare is over!!!!
I hope yours is over soon too!
Please keep me posted.
Thank you for sharing your story. Do you live in the states? Where is your doctor located...would like to set up an appointment
in florida / on promacta now / platelets up to 64k .. all brusing and blood spots going away .. promacta is the best with little side effects but just don't know if it will last long term .. my doctor is cancer centers of America located in cape coral florida .. never want to go back to the steroids ,, real bad stuff … had 4 monthts of prednisone and danazol .. kept in the 30s but never higher .. talk to me .. jimmy