Got my labs back minus the Hair analysis test and results show that I still have reactivated EBV. Not sure what to make of this exactly but most likely explains my constant fatigue still.
No longer on the low end for B12 as I have been supplementing. Seem to not have absorption issues because everytime I start taking something for it, my levels go back up to the 600s
No longer Anemic but Ferritin still on the low end (also supplementing).
CBC looks fine other than low platelets still (not terribly low and better than past numbers) and high MPV, not as high as it has been.
Still fatigued, as if I have a small phone battery that regulates my energy, tired at night but have a hard time falling asleep and dont feel very rested in the morning. Horribly itchy scalp- we think its candida. And seems O have circulation issues and leg pain the comes and goes (think it’s nerve related).
The protocol didn’t work as I thought it would but it did knock the numbers down some from the previous test. Will be meeting with functional med doc soon to go over these and hair analysis test results.
I have chosen to find a different primary as they haven't really considered my complaints as a concern and consider any other autoimmune diseases a wait and see game as I have no definite signs, according to them, of something else.
I haven’t been fully clean in my eating but I am unsure if the occasional dairy-free popsicle, or more often rice is what kept the EBV lingering. I was doing an AIP diet for almost a year and decided to start adding somethings back as well as it being stressful at home with my daughter being the way she is these days. I know stress doesn’t help!
Anyone else, dealing with EBV? Anyone seem to get rid of it?