Guys, can i ask something does anyone diagnose with itp, without bone marrow test.. sorry for my bad english im alone im and living in malaysia..
Can blood test detect itp? - ITP Support Assoc...
Can blood test detect itp?

I was diagnosed without a bone marrow biopsy just platelet counts and symptoms. Bone marrow biopsy is done to rule out other diseases which in my case was not needed. This site has an excellent education section, check it out. Be well
Hi ITP is diagnosed by your platelet count being very low and from any symptoms like bleeding, petechiae, bruising, blood blisters etc etc. My body was making the platelets and then destroying them. I never had a bone marrow test, just lots of different treatments until finding one that worked.
yes, if only your platelet count is low and there are no other abnormalities on your cbc and on your blood smear they can diagnose you with itp w/o a bone marrow biopsy
Hi Manchopot
I didn’t have a bone marrow test to be diagnosed with ITP. As others have said just a blood test showing a low platelet count. This got better with treatment on steroids which haematologist said proved it was ITP. Hope you can avoid this test too.
Regards Janet
I did have a Bone Marrow test. It is given to eliminate a much more serious conditions such as leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome or aplastic anemia. I think it is more likely to be given to the over 60.
I was diagnosed with a blood test. Good luck. Be well. 🍀🍀🍀
Hi Manchopot,
Yes you can be diagnosed as ITP by your low platelet count.
I would suggest that you try to treat underlying causes of your low platelets. What is triggering your immune system to attack itself?
In my case, I had ITP and got cured as soon as I got rid of parasites that I caught in Costa Rica.
However, regular doctors did not find the parasites. I was sent by a friend to the person that gets rid of parasites with Rife treatment, ultrasonic waves that destry the cell walls of the parasites.
Then I had to get my immune system balanced with homeopathic medicine.
If you choose to try something alternative and have any breakthroughs please keep me posted as I am trying to get cases like mine to publish to help others with ITP get well.
Thank you so much for sharing. I am on the same journey and looking for a functional medicine doctor to find my underlying cause. Great post
Can Rife Treatment get rid of Parvo Virus in humans? I'm assuming the parasites you had were Parvo virus.
Hi Colin,
I called my Rife person and she said that the frequency she used not only treated parasites, it was for all bacteria and viruses too. So now I can't be sure it was parasites that I had but whatever it was went away.
I am sorry but I forgot to ask her about Parvo virus and rife treatment so I just googled it and there is no info. Infact there is skepticisim on Rife therapy in general. Oh well....
Thanks and keep me posted.
I forgot to mention I also went gluten free.
A blood test tells if your platelets are low and if so you can have ITP. As Kyrak51 wrote, sometimes doctors do bone marrow biopsy to rule out other diseases. They did on me and fortunately, I did not have leukemia or bad numbers for red and white cells.
My 2yr old son was diagnosed with itp and had been diagnosed for a while before we decided to do a bone marrow biopsy to rule out lukemia. His symptoms were looking similar to lukemia, his platelets were not going up at any stage at that time, even though our haematologist told me its highly unlikely as the red cells and white were normal. But to take the thought of lukemia out of our minds was a relief!
My son has been diagnosed with itp without having a bone marrow test. Haematologists have been able to rule out others things by checking his other counts in his blood and seem confident its itp we are dealing with.