Had a blood count on Wednesday... I have 109 platelets... the most I've had since January this year.
Happy bunny 🐇
Had a blood count on Wednesday... I have 109 platelets... the most I've had since January this year.
Happy bunny 🐇
When people say they have 33 or 109 platelets doesn't that mean thousands? I went to the hospital in March with 4,000 and was told I was lucky I came in, my body would have never recovered on its own without help. I could have gone home and bled to death. Took steriods and IVG treatment and they were up to 173,000 as of last month. Don't need any blood work till Dec which I thought was weird. I am going to ask my family doctor to do blood work so it will pacify my curiosity.
Nice! If you tapered down & still have 173 count, That's great! It can't hurt to get your count done in between, especially if it will give you peace of mind. I had bronchitis the last time I was at the GP to renew med prescriptions for high BP, & they were 81 (at the hema 3 weeks before they were 44). I'm back to 40 now, & don't go to the hema until Dec. also. I can call & get a count if I think I'm dropping any time at the hema tho. Good luck to you, hope your count stays that high!
Had a visit to my PCP and I asked for blood work since I wasn't getting any done till Dec through my hemotoligist. They went up from 172 to 183. Not doing anything different. So weird.