I live in india. Could anyone help me out How much Cost is involved for indium-labelled platelet test in Barts/Royal hospital in UK and is medical visa provided by hospital.
My humble request is that we want to do indium-labelled platelet test from which we can identify whether spleen or liver causing ITP. I live in India (Mumbai) where this test is not available. Hence requested to guide how we can conduct this test on UK. Below are the queries in a nutshell.
a. Is medical visa is provided by Bartholomew's Hospital & The Royal London Hospital for conducting this test.
b. How much cost is involved for indium-labelled platelet scan (approx)
c. How much cost is involved for Medical visa. (patient and one relative) (approx)
d: How long we require to stay in UK.
Pls help us to save my wife. Anticipating your valuable response.