Hi.I've been trying to get a second opinion or review of my brother
He was in ICU in October 2019 placed in an induced coma. Came out quadrapleagic.
Moved to a care home June 2020due to covid in hospital.
He can speak albeit slurred.
Bedbound for the most part.
Still waiting for a mould to go with his shape for a comfortable wheelchair.
24/7 reliant on nursing care.
Refused Full CHC Funding.
He has sensors problems. Vision hearing. Speech. Mobility issues.
Diabetic type 2 insulin. Colestitus.
Ischaemic heart disease. Kidney concern. His legs are now becoming mis shapen.
He requires his eyes wiping lots if times when you visit he is squinting them closed.
Drops four times a day.
Body temperature heat wise he is boiling. all if the time.
He comes up in red rashes of some kind on his arms.
He is supposed to have emollient cream on his skin regularly.
He can't understand the carers. They can't understand him.
How h has been refused CHC Funding we do not know.
He gets fed breakfast dinner and tea.
He is isolates in hus room.
His mental health is affected.
Is there anyone who could assist us with what we could write to ensure he qualifies fir the Funding.
Has anyone successfully applied for it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated