My Mum has been in ICU ventilated, and at some points on dialysis, for 17 days now. She is off antibiotics and medicine for her blood pressure at the moment. Last week she seemed to be making some progress on being weaned from the ventilation and sedation, but the doctors now seems to think they will not be able to wean any further without a tracheostomy. Unfortunately Mum’s blood clotting levels are not good enough for the surgery to be carried out at this stage. I feel like we are in limbo, being told every day that she’s not getting worse, but not getting any better either. I just don’t know if there is any hope left. Has anyone been in a similar position? Thanks, Leigh Anne
Co-vid 19 - third week in ICU for Mum: My Mum has... - ICUsteps
Co-vid 19 - third week in ICU for Mum

I wasnt in exactly the same position as your Mother but I know that my path to recovery was littered with many days where everyone felt in limbo, hopeful, ecstatic, demoralised and hopeless in equal measure. I was in a coma for 57 days followed by another month in ICU. I came in with a series of complications which I appeared to be winning the battle, only to succumb to severe ARDS, I would then overcome this only for my heart to continue going into weird rhythms or my kidneys wouldnt function properly, or my respiratory system couldnt stabilise, I picked up numerous infections in ICU, - VRE,CMV,MSSA,EBV & glandular fever which caused me to go backwards. Finally I was well enough to have a trachy and the waking process could start - this took 11 days. The final kick in the teeth for my family was that they discovered I had a leukaemia that couldnt be treated because my immune system would not survive the treatment. All the time I was unaware and in a coma- it was my family that went through the wringer.
Finally it got to a point where the staff really said 'we have done everything we can its up to (me) now.'
It has been the hardest thing I have ever done ( recovery) 4yrs on - despite lockdown, I am well.
I know the feeling, my father been ill for 4 weeks 1 week at home, 2 weeks on ward with over face ventilator and a week today was put in an induce coma. He stable needing 50% oxygen all organs are showing there functioning fine. However, he is stable hasnt improved or worsen.
Stable is good 😀
Keep the faith and the hope that’s all we really have it’s in gods hands if I listen to everything the doctors tell me I’m going to go crazy and I’m so tired of not knowing and not being able to be by my mother side that hurts the most I’m going to continue to FaceTime my mom and talking to her I don’t care what they say! They told us today that my mom has blood in the middle of her brain that that’s probably why she’s not waking up that it may affect her speech her mobility whatever they’re not God God is in charge and God doesn’t still have her hanging around for no reason so I put all my faith and trust in God and I can only pray for a miracle and pray that God grants it to me and you do the same with your mom I don’t know about you but my mom has never gave up on me and I will not give up on her when she needs me the most so keep the faith my love I will pray for your mom as well.
Thanks for including my Mum in your prayers. I will do likewise.