My dad was taken very poorly just after Christmas and after 39 days in ICU he was moved to a ward. My dads tracheostomy was removed on the 3rd of Feb and moved to a ward on the 5th. He had an exam to show that he has difficulties swallowing whilst in ICU and was told the exercises to do to build his muscle up. 2 days later in the ward the nutritionist came to see him about having a PEG fitted. Whilst the dietitian from ICU came to see him she mentioned that the ICU doctors have overruled this for now as it’s too soon. The same nutritionist came to see him on Monday to once again talk about the PEG and again with me yesterday (Tuesday) I raised the point of being re examined to see if progress has been made and she said she will talk to SALT but it’s highly unlikely they will as it’s not been enough time. Which answers my own question “why are they wanting to fit a PEG when its just been a week and a bit since his tracheostomy was removed?” I personally believe they want the bed. I have emailed PALS asking to meet with them about this issue but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar experience as us.
Thank you!