Hi all. Mum has secondary breast cancer which she has been managing however recently went on holiday and upon return had flu symptoms. Within a week she was in the ICU on a ventilator and 100% support. She’s currently on day 10 on the ventilator and she had been improving. She got down to 50% support and there was talk of a tracheotomy. However she’s now developed a high fever and levels aren’t improving anymore. Theyre saying there is still infection which the antibiotics haven’t treated but they still don’t know exactly what it is.
All the strains of bacterial pneumonia they have so far tested for have been negative. They’re now putting her on fungal antibiotics whilst we wait to see if they help. I’m terrified and so upset that after the progress we are now moving backwards. Is there anyone with similar experiences that could provide a bit of hope? Really need some right now