My husband is currently in ICU (on day 72) he had a perforated bowel, sepsis and intestinal failure. He was on life support for 14 days and ventilated a until a week ago. We were called in and had the priest read him his last rights. We were told twice after that he would not survive....but he has. He has lost the ability to move, other than after lots of physio he can now move his hands to his face. He is talking. I wondered if anyone had been through this, so we can have some idea in our heads about recovery. All we keep being told is he has a long long road ahead. He is fed via TPN and NG and doctors don't know if he will ever eat again. He needs another operation to reattach his stomach so he will have 160cm of small bowel. Will he ever gain weight? ( he is skin and bone) will he walk again? We are amazed and delighted he is still here. We have 2 young children and this has just been hell for all of us. We need some comfort and a light at the end of the tunnel. He is only 42. We were told he had colitis a few years back and had an emergency ilesotomy last October. Then in June he got sick with what we thought was sickness and diahorrea but things quickly got very nasty. We were then told it was chrones but now they say it's neither and they dont know what it is..he is a mystery. An amazing strong mystery . Please help get some clarity...