Anaemia or not. Seen a haematologist ... - Hughes Syndrome A...

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Anaemia or not. Seen a haematologist today.

Jade profile image
5 Replies

Basically went to see haemo today because I wanted to alter from warfarin back to heparin and the GP said he was out of his depth. His words.

Well, never seen one before because I was diagnosed by a prof Hughes.. She did not like my idea but that is fine because I thought that would be the case but on looking at me she said I was pale, therfore must be anaemic and went on to tell me all the bad reasons a person could anaemic including bowel cancer. And would I have enoscope and colonoscope? What, no way.

I have been slightly anaemic for about a decade a reading of about 10-11 when it should be 12. I cannot tolerate iron so cope without. She offered intravenous iron. I had not even had a blood test at this stage and had not complained to her about anything.

Surely it is obvious that a women who still has periods is the likely cause plus I cannot eat dark greens as they effect my warfarin levels. I am so shell shocked I wish I had not gone. She plans to ring me to tell me what my levels are today at the end of the week but I really want to just do nothing.

She thought Prof Hughes inr levels were too high, that I would never need haparin if inr fell below 2 and that no way could I tell if my inr was low. I told her many on this forum said they could and she dismissed forums as people having another agenda and only caring about their illness and I think she thought we were all fools or liars.

Gosh I am confues and livid.

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5 Replies

Oh wow!!! FInd another doc, tell Dr Hughes..... Scream at the top of your lungs!!! That JERK!! Send her coal for her stocking!

taffydaffy profile image


I also went to see a Haematologist as i also suffer from Iron and Folic Acid Defciancy he told me that i have Anemia of Chronic Disease or another name is Anemia of Imflamation and if you can cure the illness you can cure the Anemia lol no chance of that yet so we have to live with it my poor husband has it to so you can imagine we are in our beds all the time as with APLS i also have P.V.S or M.E and to many others to mention lol never ever give up and if your nat happy see another G.P I bought my Doctor a book from America all about APLS he loved it it was not expensive but it has benefiited the both of us

I too have "anemia of chronic condition" is what they called it here. I found a really great iron supplement with stool softener included in. They are a little expensive ($26 for 100 tablets) but I can tolerate them very well. I take 2 per day + my multivitamin which is like 600% of my daily recommended iron intake and my levels are barely 12. If I don't take anything I'll hover around 10 or so and I become VERY fatigued and feel terrible.

Herb profile image

Wait until the end f the week and see what the results come back as. If it is indeed still 11 or 10 you could refuse the treatments or investigations she is offering you and just ask for monthly monitoring. 11.5 is the point at which anaemia begins.

I went to see the nurse years ago because I was feeling dizzy.

She just "looked at me" and told me to go straight to the hospital.

I needed 2 blood transfusions immediately when I got there..

If you go for heparin and you are bleeding internally it could be dangerous, so you do need to take great care.

Jade profile image

Thanks to all who replied. The Dr said she would ring on Friday of last week but still has not made contact. I assume the tests are OK or she forgot. Incidently one thing she wanted to test was for lupus anticoagulant, now I understood you could not do this if you were on warfarin, does anybody believe that too? I won't be changing to heparin because they clearly will not let me so I have to carry on as I am.

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