Hi there
Just diagnosed with APS. Was wondering if, apart from medication, other things could improve my life, like sports or diets. Does anyone of you talked with specialist about this or discovered if these things are helpful?
Thanks, mariah
Hi there
Just diagnosed with APS. Was wondering if, apart from medication, other things could improve my life, like sports or diets. Does anyone of you talked with specialist about this or discovered if these things are helpful?
Thanks, mariah
I was told, just a thought that excerciseing can stimulate blood flow obvs which is why staying in one place is permitted i excercise in small short bursts to stimulate blood flow to all areas of my body as for dieting not sure sorry .
My gp has recommended swimming when I can manage it. He says it keeps me supported and I can just go at a slow pace depending on how I'm feeling. He says it's good for the heart and blood flow, whilst at the same time forcing me to breathe consistently and reduce the breathlessness. Hope that helps
I keep my exercise slow and steady, although only just getting started again due to flares of everything. You have to be careful if on warfarin as to what you eat and keeping things steady, however I am not... it is a case of sensible eating and exercising in moderation. I take many supplements and have always taken oily fish pills and eaten it also, I feel over the years this has helped me. Mary F x
Hi there, thanks for helpful replies. I am not on warfarin, havent spoken to a specialist yes. I seem to get my migraines after two or three office days, so maybe exercising in between might help. Am going to try. Thsnks and ill keep following this website. Quite useful!
The diet sounds interesting but do you amend your activities on the fasting days?i must confess that I use food as fuel as I wake feeling drained and it is only in the evening after eating dinner that I feel I have sufficient energy.How do you manage your fasting days to be able to carry out normal day to day activities?For the reasons outlined I imagine that I would struggle to maintain any quality of life on the fasting days.