So I know that antiphosphipid syndrome can cause miscarriage, and stroke.
But can it be the cause of angina?
So I know that antiphosphipid syndrome can cause miscarriage, and stroke.
But can it be the cause of angina?
In answer to your question, yes, I enclose a useful paper. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl... If this is a new symptom for you please get in touch with both your specialist and your GP. MaryF
Thank you.Yes ,recently diagnosed with angina after two trips to A&E and one admission.
I no longer have an APS specialist as was discharged around two years ago.
Have appointment with Gp next week
Hi, worth trying to get to see a cardiologist, I was diagnosed with angina but the GTN made no difference to the attacks, my blood being thicker than normal was the only proof I had that it related to APS, I was sent to cardiologist where loads of tests all came back negative. Eventually diagnosed with cardiac syndrome x - micro clots & sticky blood being the cause.
I was also diagnosed with angina from cardiac syndrome x, now known as microvascular angina (MVA) about 20 years ago. GTN and nitrates don’t work on me either, that happens for about 50% of MVA sufferers I think. They give me dreadful migraine. I was warned it was potentially more dangerous because I have aps which would increase the likelihood of a clot.Cardiac syndrome x was originally thought to be coronary artery spasm in small vessels but then they have more recently added in the possibility that it’s damage to the endothelium in the small heart vessels. This damage could possibly be caused by APS in some people. But they still don’t know everything about it yet. It does not show up on angiograms so it’s not easy to diagnose.
I’m really struggling with heart problems right now and I’m being tested for other heart conditions. I’ve had a Zoom appointment with Prof Kaski earlier this month, he is one of 2 specialists of MVA I know about because they want me on steroids but I keep getting angina when I take them. It’s not generally well understood by a lot of cardiologists so try to get a good one. Xx
Oh yes! I share Holly Heski’s story to the exact details. ( I was admitted to hospital with a sub therapeutic INR .)
I’ve learned something new from her response- that nitro will not be effective if low inr is the cause.
Yes , after two admissions following what they thought were heart attacks, they diagnosed Coronary Artery spasms and MVA , arteries were clear ! They think there is most likely a connection with my APS , the gift that keeps on giving !