I know I have APS and some MS symptoms. All the neurologist I have went to have no experience with Hughes syndrome. Can anyone help?
Does anyone have a dr. To dx and trea... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Does anyone have a dr. To dx and treat APS

Hi there, welcome, Firstly you need to let us know where you are located as a starting point, so we can see who is nearest, and then you can guide the relevant written information towards the right person. Let us know. Mary F x
I live by Stanford Palo Alto, California
Ok those in the USA - local to your area will direct you to local care soon, they will see this post and offer some suggestions. Mary F x
I had a lot of symptoms that looked like MS but I ended up having APS. APS has a wide range of symptoms and can look neurological. I live in Ventura, CA and none of my doctors here were familiar with the disease, so I ended up being sent to Dr. Leibman the head of hematology at USC. He has to review for files first before agreeing to be seen by you, but it was worth the wait because he is EXTREMELY helpful and informative. He works with tons a patients with APS and was one of the only people who made me feel like I wasn't going to crazy, and this disease can really cause some really crazy neurological symptoms. Hope this helps! Good luck. Message me
If you have anymore questions, xoxo Nicole
Dr. Donald Silcox in Los Gatos is excellent. He has many APS patients and is always aware of the newest information available regarding this disease.
Margaret, Los Gatos, CA