how long can your periods go on for w... - Hughes Syndrome A...

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how long can your periods go on for when on warfrin

oleary profile image
21 Replies

im on walfrin and i find that my periods are very heavy and i have some clots , they seem to go on for a long time, some of my periods can go on for 18dys plus. i have hughes syndrome and my symtoms to that seem tobe worse when this happens. any1 else have this problem.

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oleary profile image
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21 Replies
sharonap profile image

Before I was on warfarin my periods where light lasting 3-4 days once on warfarin they became heavy with clots lasting 7-10 days. I had the mivera coil fitted to help it stopped my periods for a year but than due to another problem had to have total hysterectomy.

oleary profile image
oleary in reply to sharonap

hiya, ive had the coil but it made things worse for me, made my migrains worse. i was constantly bleeding through out, 1wk my period was normal the other 3wks constant brown, it didnt agree with me so the doc said it wud be best to remove it.

Ntomby profile image
Ntomby in reply to sharonap

Oh god it's so amazing

oleary profile image

hiya, thanx for getting in touch,ive bn to the docs n they have put me ona 5day lot of tablets called NORETHISTERONE to try n slow it dwn as they cnt gve me anything else because i hve hughes syndrome, plus they hve put me on iron tablets.

judes profile image
judes in reply to oleary


I am just catching up as have been on hols.

I have been on this drug for a long time, it works well, yes it is a hormonne but I personally have had no probs. It has given me freedom to do what I want including going on holiday. Just rememer though we arte all different and how we react to different drugs is individual

oleary profile image
oleary in reply to judes

im worried cuz at the mo my inr is up n down n my warfrin has been put up, my period has been going on now for 21days n im starting to feel unwell with it, doc has put me on iron tablets, so just have to wait n see wot happens.

oleary profile image

yeah i will, wot concerns me is that its a homone tablet n your at a higher risk of clotting with hughes syndrome, n my inr b4 i started this med was 2.0 n then dwn to 1.3 n thats b4 starting these meds, i hope it dont drop anymore.

MaryF profile image
MaryFAdministrator in reply to oleary

and also worth checking that you don't have something like fibroids going on which can make things worse with bleeding. Mary F x

oleary profile image
oleary in reply to MaryF

i had a scan done going back last year and they said i had some thickening on my utrus could it be that doing it.

oleary profile image

yeah thats very true, u try n deal with 1 problem n then u have another 1 to face, its a roller coaster ride. im lucky i have a gud husband that is very understanding with my condition n does wot ever he can 4 me, plus 6 great kids that help wer they can.

77tiger05 profile image

I had higher than average periods at least for me, after being put on warfin. They used to last only a couple of days, then went to over a week. Finally I was passing such large clots went to the ER and was admitted right away. Every time I moved just a tad I would have a soaked chuck sheet. Then they started weighing each sheet. Finally had the 1st water ablation at our hospital. It's that they fill the uterus with 106 degree water and leave it in for about half an hour. It destroys the uterus. Also had a Lap to remove tubes & ovaries. But in the end had to have over 6 units of blood replaced. So it was a major ordeal. I wish you the best of luck but would watch it very carefully because you could need help before you realize it. Hope all goes well!!!!

oleary profile image
oleary in reply to 77tiger05

thanx for the reply, my period has been going on now for 21 days , the docs have given me someyhing to slow the bleeding down but im abit scared to take them as they can make you clot, but now i have no choice im gunna have to take them.

pinkpink profile image

My periods were heavy before but now they go on and are heavier...about 9 or 10 days. I was anemic and have to take supplements to stay on top of it. 77tiger05 mentions the ablation procedure about. That is what my Dr. is recomending for me. I guess it makes your period go away or makes it light and infrequent. I am not sure what I am going to do yet.

oleary profile image
oleary in reply to pinkpink

my period has been going on now for 21days, starting to make me feel very weak n unwell, doc has put me on sme tablets to slow it down but im abit scared to take them as they make you clot and im on warfrin for hughes syndrome.

oleary profile image
oleary in reply to pinkpink

my period has been going on now for 21 days n im starting to feel abit unwell, doc has put me on iron tablets , i just wish the bleeding would stop.

smellyfootsies profile image

Hi, I was on Warfarin for years, Yes my periods were heavy, but I did not have clots & they only lasted 5-7 days. ...

Wish you well

Sue xx

APSmum profile image

Hi, yes I am on warfarin and mine are heavy as well. Pre-warfarin were only medium and lasted 4 days. Now they are very heavy and more recently with clots. Most last 2 weeks. I considered going to the hospital last time as I wasn't sure if this was normal or not and wondered if it was ever going to end. I felt really light headed. Then I thought maybe it was too ridiculous to walk into emergency in the middle of the night to tell them 'I have a heavy period'. I usually get about a week off before the PMS hormones kick in, my INR drops, the migraines start and off we go again.

oleary profile image
oleary in reply to APSmum

im getting very bad migrains n feeling abit unwell , im pale but im on iron tablets n taking a drug to slow it down, my inr is up n down at the mo so my warfrin has been increased, i just wish the bleeding would stop.

APSmum profile image
APSmum in reply to oleary

You poor thing. 3 weeks is along time. I hope things sort themselves out soon.

latonyab profile image

Im also on warfarin and I've been bleeding 2months heavy with clots and excruciating pain what should i do...

Lure2 profile image
Lure2 in reply to latonyab


Do you have APS as you take Warfarin?

As you write you also have clots and pain and also bleeding please see your Specialist or A & E as soon as possible.

You should not clot when on Warfarin!?

Best wishes from Kerstin in Stockholm

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