Does anyone know if this procedure is safe for us with APS/ Hughes? I'll be talking to a Dr., but curious if anyone has any experience?
Thank you!!
Does anyone know if this procedure is safe for us with APS/ Hughes? I'll be talking to a Dr., but curious if anyone has any experience?
Thank you!!
Hello HILARIEW930! Welcome to the site. I honestly don't think there has been enough documented cases to really know. They can barely diagnose APS/Hughes as cause for miscarriage, etc. APS/Huges is just now being recognized. They have been doing invitro a long time. I have a set of twin invitro nieces in France. They are in their late teens early twenties now. I, myself, checked into it in the late 1970's and invitro was considered a rather new frontier at that time. It's APS that has trouble with recognition, diagnosis and education.This site has been a great source of knowlege for me. I'd sure like to know if your doctor presents you with some data pertianing to tyour subject. Other members of this site are certainly more knowlegable than myself on this subject. If you wait a little bit other members will share their experiences with you.
Best wishes, and good luck at your doctor's appointment. If you require information before your visit, there are many links on this site an administrator can help you with if you are interested.
Nice to meet you.
I have Hughes and had to undergo assisted conception. I was under the care of the team at Thomas's while trying for children and nobody ever mentioned the two were contra-indicated. I have a beautiful daughter who was conceived via ICSI after my Hughes diagnosis. Goodluck.
Yes, lots of women with Hughes have IVF treatment. The only shame is that they don't test you automatically for aPL before you start the treatment so, in some cases, the women will lose the babies because they have undiagnosed Hughes. At least you know you have it and will be able to try the treatment available. Good luck
Thank you very much for your messages. Keeping my fingers crossed. It's been a long journey.... ; )