hi guys. Haven’t posted for a while but was so shocked yesterday had to tell you.
Been diagnosed with APS for many years now and thought gp knowledge was getting more advanced I am sad to say in my case this is not so. My gps in there infinite wisdom have moved over to finger prick blood tests. Okay I thought but my warfarin levels are all over the place. I fluctuate daily with my INRs and sometimes have to have upto 3 tests a week as we can’t maintain a level with the warfarin. Now with the finger prick tests they are not as accurate as I need them to be so have always been told I shouldn’t have them. My inrs have to be between 3-4 as I don’t function well under 3. Now with the finger print test it can be out around .1 out. So when my last finger prick test three weeks ago at 2.5 and the machine told me next appt was 5 weeks later as I’m in range. I knew I was in trouble. And boy was I. I cut my arm and it wouldn’t stop bleeding for 2 days, am living in brain fog and starting to get numbing down my right side. I stopped warfarin for 2 days as receptionists stated no doc appt.
Eventually got a phone call from gp yesterday and have been told don’t know what the fuss is as APS doesn’t have any symptoms. I thought I had heard wrong but he repeated it. If you have APS you DO NOT GET SYMPTOMS. For all of you out there let me know your thoughts I’m finding this shocking. Still trying to find the funny side but at the mo it’s evading me