I have calmed down enough to write this post, took me a couple of hours.
I’m currently in hosp with nasty pneumonia not for the first time this year, my heart and lungs are knackered and are on their last legs certainly living on borrowed time now, docs are somewhat surprised I’m still here. I have told everyone I will live to be 100 just to annoy everyone.
My INR has dropped to 2.5 then 2.1 then 2 like a lot of others when my INR drops below 3 it’s the joy of Fragmin til it gets back to 3 or thereabouts. Like many it’s taken a long time to get primary doctors to understand this, one would have thought hosp consultants would know better.
Do they heck as like I was told that you can’t have warfarin and Fragmin together, I was so cross I just sat their with my mouth open, and off the docs went.
Once I realised just what had been said I was furious I’m sure steam was coming out of my ears.
I raised an incident form within the ward, the nurses completely agreed with me, sent an email to management and tomorrow will contact the warfarin nurses.
This sort of behaviour is unacceptable and putting our lives at risk of clots and death. I may not have long but certainly don’t want it shortened by some dickhead of a doc. My sons favourite word is dickhead, he’s 24 and should know better but in this case I think he’s right.
If dont get anywhere I will certainly go to the press I’m that cross.
Love and hugs to all stay safe stay well