Hello, just a gentle reminder to keep cool and hydrated in the current UK heat wave, or any location, tepid baths are better than hot baths for keeping cool in this sort of heat, as if totally cold, you body races to warm up again, I have a cool one with a few drops of lavender before bed, (Be careful with essential oils or anything similar), in case of allergies or slipping as you get in or out,
Another handy tip if inside or especially if you need to go out, I have lots of old cotton hats and baseball caps which I keep for these sort or temperatures, I soak them under the tap, wring them out and wear them damp, so cooling, I find this better than anything else. Please keep sipping your water and cool drinks to day, and alcohol is very dehydrating, so if fancy a glass of wine, which is not very often, I have some water before it and afterwards in this sort of heat.
Feel free to add you fun keeping cool tips!
Mary F