Does any one deal with Anxieties and depression, not sure what it is, APS or Lupus but been getting these episodes since diagnosis 4 years ago!! Can't take anti depressants side effects worse than problem!
Any help would be appreciated!
Does any one deal with Anxieties and depression, not sure what it is, APS or Lupus but been getting these episodes since diagnosis 4 years ago!! Can't take anti depressants side effects worse than problem!
Any help would be appreciated!
We have talked before. Have you tried with a low dose of the antidepressants as we can be sensitive to a high dose? You can test to see if you are sensitive to them, but perhaps you have done that.
Also I wonder if you have got Lupus Anticoagulant as to your earlier questions and also what INR you usually have and if you have started to selftest?
When yo talk of your INR is it a vein-test at a lab or a fingerprick test you talk of?
I wonder if your crossed vision is ok now. I also had that before my anticoagulation was steady and high enough. Perhaps you have to test more often if your INR is low.
So many symptoms disappear when we are properly anticoagulated.
I have a very low dose of antidepressants since 20 years back.
I hope you have an understanding person to talk to as this illness can be difficult to go with. Also an understanding Specialist who has the time to listen.
Please let us hear how it goes for you and stay with us as we have so many wonderful members on this site as you perhaps already know and remember.
I wish you well and I do not know what I can say more at this moment. Take care and Keep well!
Kerstin in Stockholm
Yes I've suffered with anxiety before being diagnosed 3 years ago. I just kept crying and couldn't explain why- sure I had reasons to be upset but this was more. I was just SO emotional. Fortunately it passed and I'm feeling good at the moment. I really hope that yours passes too
Hi Groovy,
I am glad to hear you are feeling good now!
Hope you have today a Specialist who is knowledgable on our illness and have time to listen to your symptoms. Also hope you are properly anticoagulated as that is the main key to solve our problems with different symptoms.
It is not a wonder that we feel bad from this curious illness as we usually look fresh and healthy which makes it even more difficult for the environment and the Doctors to understand us.
Best wishes from Kerstin in Stockholm
Hi edgewater
Sorry to hear about the anxiety and depression. I can 100% sympathise. Mine is pertty much in the stratosphere atm. The thing that did work for me was hypnotherapy but I stopped for some daft reason. Exercise is good too I think. I have a lot of joint pain and so cant do things I use to enjoy like football but have bought an archery set. Though my "pulling finger" (for the archery not meeting people!) is so darn swollen and and red that I expect it to fly off with the arrow one day.
I read soemwhere that family support and social networks can make a big difference in tackling depression in chronic illness. Also support groups. Oneline communities can be great (and this is a very good one) but I think it can really help to meet people face to face who are in a similar boat. Though can be hard to find one nearby for rare conditions like APS.
Maybe posting (venting) here what you are feeling down about might help. It has kind of helped me i think. Once down on paper, and you know that understanding people have read it, it kind of made me feel that the weight of it was a bit less.
Anyways, take care.
best wishes