Am I right in thinking that I won't be able to give blood or donate organs because I have APS and possible lupus SLE?
Organ donation and giving blood - Hughes Syndrome A...
Organ donation and giving blood

Here is what I have found for you:
Thankyou xx
They were so helpful, Thankyou
I have APS. I'm really wondering if I now have Lupus. I know that is rare to have it secondary, but I have many symptoms.
I asked my Hema/Onc about donating blood and not a good idea. I asked about my kidneys and he said yes they wash out pretty good.
Hmmm, with you on not donating blood (after all we have a disease of the blood with aetiology still not completely known), not sure about donating kidneys though - when you read up on APS Nephropathy and the type of damage coupled with the difficulty identifying it (without a biopsy which is very dangerous if it's there) I am not sure it's a good idea. Same goes for any organ - again, we have a disease of the blood, which may affect any organ, and which is still not completely known.
Good point