My daughter-in-law has suffered from headaches and migraines from her teens.
She had a brain MRI a few years ago and they were concerned on examining the results, that she may have MS. It was repeated 6 months later and found to be normal.
When they went for their 12 week scan last May the sack and fluid and placenta were present but the baby had been reabsorbed she miscarried a few days later. She was badly aneomic after.
Six months later the same thing happened. This time the remains of the pregnancy was surgically removed and sent to the lab. Tests were normal (but what tests?)
Had The Misscarraiges occurred the day before the scan, we would never have known that the babies had been reabsorbed.
I know it would be unlikely for her to have APS as well as me (being my daughter-in-law)- but I have my concerns.
Are the types of losses that she experienced common with APS or could something else be wrong? They won't do any testing on either parents until another loss occurs .
I suppose I just want some direction and advice. As always many thanks 💋