1. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi...
1. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi...
Thank you Mary. At last medics are linking these different diseases. I think it can go much further. Just a personal opinion of course. 'M'
Agreed, the testing for Thyroid is so poor, many find with their own private testing, that a very clear Thyroid problem shows up! MaryF
One can only hope there will be more rigorous testing in the future. Also, testing DNA will become part of diagnosis. Again just my personal opinion. Only to be considered to help with diagnosis and not used for other purposes. 'M'
I tested out of range TPO antibodies over 20 years ago and with clinical hypothyroidism. Never had fibromyalgia though. I seem to have more blood and skin issues.
Auto immune is rampant in our family. Four generations of women with one or two of RA, Hashimotos, SLE, APS. I seem to have been the 'luckiest' by scoring 3 of them. I am the third 'generation' and niece is the 4th. I don't think Drs take Thyroid issues seriously enough. And why do they only treat the symptoms (adding thyroxine) and not the cause - flaky immune system. One Rheumatologist said every woman seems to have some kind of thyroid issue. Arrogant misogynist 'swear word'. I felt like reaching over his too large desk and slappping him.
I have 3 auto immune diseases including APS and when thyroid has been tested they say it's ok.can it be if you have fibromyalgia like me
and the narrow and unreliable testing for thyroid problems in the first place. MaryF